More Hot debates in Chedet's GAZA post & Hanan's gutssy comments...
Continuation from my previous Post :
By Hanan on June 4, 2009 6:38 PM
Dear wajaperak, Assalamalaikum,
I would comment on some of your sayings and please forgive me if I miss-interpreted them (naively).
You said: “I wish to reminds you that friendship must be earned.For they who did not responds to your statement means that they are willing to be associated as your friends..But to me and other's who have been hurt by you and your comrade, I do not wish to allow this statements goes uncontested..Please says friends..meaning your collaborator, and blogger..meaning..the likes of me..”
___Of course friendship must be earned. Why do you think I should beg to you for friendship? I’m not begging for it. Earning friendship is a mutual process. I just wonder where is your courage to ask for friendship. I think that you still think about me as an ugly manipulator Jew. You are still suspicious about me and my genuine intention. The hurting is not one sided and of course cannot be balanced. It is always a practice that the weak is hurt more (weak may be weak in mind or in physical power or both). At the moment, maybe we are on the strong side. But will be forever? Nobody knows. If you’ll be on the strong side and I on the weak side, then who will be hurt more? You may count me as a friend or not. You may chose to call me a friend just for the blog purpose. I would prefer to be a real friend, but if you prefer to be in distance, I don’t have a problem with that.
You said: “Muslim cannot responds to the unbeliever salam.Aishah have responds quite harshly to one Yahudi salam as "Waalikum mus' sam..Bagi mu celaka..Damnation for you..Rasullulah s.a.w admonish her and says that muslims must responds...Waalaikum only..Meaning..As well as for you.. You might finds this is trivial..I assure you it is not and this is just one intances that will determines the course of our next action..”
___I wonder why a Muslim cannot respond to an unbeliever (the second class Jew) with a “Salam” greeting. That simple miss-gesture in your approach is a human fundamental living habit you are ignoring. Is this in the intention to emphasize the superiority of Muslims amongst the non Muslims? Only the Muslims deserve the “Salam” greeting? I cannot describe it in other words but “Muslim arrogance”. That’s why you prefer to discriminate your greeting “banner” depending on a religious fundamentalism rather to categorize people in two groups: “good” and “bad”. I assume that a Muslim criminal deserve the “Salam” greeting while the humble Jew or Christian deserves just the “Waalaikum” without the “salam”. I wonder if other Muslims are interpreting as same as you.
Related to Rabbi Cohen’s opinion you said: “Can you explains why?..The bull cannot explains why it charges at the Matador weaving the red flag..Is the matador touched it raw nerves by waving the red flags?...Does they who does not agrees with you,touch your nerve and influence your senses?..”
___Yes, I can explain. That Rabbi’s opinion is not based on any religious facts. It is just a private opinion. You may ask other “1000” more important Rabbis than Rabbi Cohen if Jews may have an independent state. I’ll not give you the answer and let you approach them and ask them. You have a very close Rabbi you can phone him, the Rabbi of Singapore. Just to remind you, Jews had independent kingdoms during King Saul, King David, King Solomon and many others. So how come can it be that we don’t deserve to be an independent state? What Dr. Mahathir is trying to do is to rely on any opinion that complies with his view point. So if a Jew says that the Jews are not allowed to have an independent state, it must be true. I’m sorry to disappoint you and some other Muslims, we’ll remain independent if you like it or not. In order to remove our independence, you’ll need to throw us into the sea since we’ll not do it voluntarily just because Rabbi Cohen said so. There is a Jewish proverb citing from the Bible, prophet Isaiah chapter 49:17 “Thy children make haste; thy destroyers and they that made thee waste shall go forth from thee” which means that our (the Jews) destroyers will be from our own nation and Rabbi Cohen is one of those “children”. This is exactly what our enemies are looking for. What I think about that is Rabbi Cohen knows well that verse but is “manipulating” his partners in the conference just to appease them which I’m not doing. He just wants to save his skin from “burns” of arguments. That man lost his dignity in my eyes. A Jew who accepts oppression.
___I just wanted to avoid that argument by my initial comment. I was looking for a more positive mood to become friendly rather to argue and argue endlessly. But then you insisted my answer.
You said: “It is impossible to wiped Israel off the map.Every responsible persons knows that.First everybody deserves to be on this planet.Secondly there is a reason for being.What Ahmadinejad and most of us feels is Israel should not be allowed to run a country of their no map for a country named Israel.”
___Israel was accepted as an independent state by the UN declaration in 1948. Your favorite Iranian clown is a holocaust denier and means to wipe Israel off the map physically, not just on “paper”. Since he knows that we won’t do it voluntarily he is prepared to slaughter us with his nuke approach. What he don’t understands that this approach will bring a disaster to his own Iranians and work as a boomerang against all Muslims. You cannot call to wipe off the map any legitimate state. Once you do that you may expect it will be against you in a other day. Who plays with fire may cook a delicious soup but may also be burned severely. Don’t try to decorate that clown’s words with flowers and convince me to believe it. He means what he says.
You said: “Agreed but the Iranian proverbs says it succintly.. Blood cannot washs blood..”
___Please elaborate since I didn’t got your point here.
You said: “And the solution is negotiation..As Tun have said earlier...Conceed where consession are needed..”
___Compromising is not a one way road and not a single source toll. What are the Muslims compromising? What are the Palestinians compromising? What are the Arabs compromising? All of them are don’t even want to talk. All of them just want us to obey their demands. On the same way we are not asking the our enemy to obey our demands. Compromising can be achieved only via confrontation during talks. Why should we compromise with an organization like Hamas who is not recognizing Israel’s legitimate existence. Kindly find their charter and read it. Your compromising request is one way request. What do you have to contribute for your compromising?
You asked: “But dear Hanan..are you the prime mover of the sheperd boy?”
___Please do not count me, I’m negligible. What about you?
You asked: “Agreed Hanan..But who is your neighbour I may asks..Are they the one who lost their family and relatives when 'engaged' in the Israel policy? Or are you save far beyond their seething anger and hatred in your kibbutz and encamped walled??”
___My neighbors are frustrated people who are using terror intentionally to kill me. My neighbors are the suicide bombers. My neighbors are the Qasam rocket launchers. My neighbors are those who want to throw me into the Mediterranean Sea. My neighbors are also humble and peaceful people who can accept me as their neighbor but they are silent because they are fearing the previous neighbors I mentioned. My fence is to be protected from the first group of neighbors and unfortunately it harms the second group of humble neighbors.
You said: “Very good Hanan.I salutes you for this approach.But I am an ignorant persons so I cannot diffrentiate of what is sincere and what is honesty is the best policy..”
___You have pointed it out. It doesn’t matter what I say or I do, you’ll always be suspecting me. That’s the barrier which I’m trying to jump over. What is the reason that I’m here? To make provocations? Don’t you think I’m investing so much time just to comment here instead enjoying some more pleasant activity, and believe me that I have? Keep doubting my honesty, it meets the first selective “Salam” greeting “. What is the holy Quran saying about the Jews? “don’t take them as your friends”. I tell you honestly – be aware of them, ignore them and peace will reach faster.
You said: “Mr JJJ is not a biased person.He is one hell a lot of angry muslims.I too agrees with him in the sense where Palestinians dead,misery and suffering is a lot more than your's..”
___Being angry is understandable. Does it mean it is logical? Does anger solve anything? That’s why I forgive Mr. JJJ. I’m also angry sometimes, it is natural. I learned that my anger is not promoting anything, just emotions. Indeed the Palestinians are suffering and maybe more than us. How do you think the problem can be solved? Calling us “nazi”, cursing and anger will relief their suffering? What are you expecting? Should we slam ourselves do equalize the suffering? We need to reduce the Palestinians suffering and that’s why we need to think with logic and not with emotions. Calling us “nazi” is a strategy to solve the problems?
You said: “Nicely said hanan and good one too.But talking of being friends is rather ambitious don't you think? I prefer the words Acquintance..Let's get acquaint first by that order..”
___Whatever you prefer. It is your choice. My logic is different. I want to be friend first and trust my partner unless he/she demonstrates the opposite. A part of our life is some risk taking where it is possible. Despite the fact you are suspecting me as a friend, I count you as a friend. I can take that risk. To take risks is requiring courage and a very significant internal struggle.
You said: “Why too late?..It's never too late for love..”
___Hahaha, I didn’t mean it is too late since it is not yet late. I mean BEFORE it will be too late. The “too late” meaning is only when and if another war can happen. No one knows how a war ends and this maybe too late.
You said and asked: “Which side are talking about?..The palestinian is suffering so much your statement have became banal.”
___I’m talking about both sides. You know what is the difference between you and me? You are caring just for the Palestinians and don’t bother the suffering of us (even it maybe sell suffering as you think) and I do think about both sides suffering without using any equation. Suffering is suffering is suffering.
Your statement: “Vicious cycle of banality..”
___A vicious cycle is not turned by one side. If it would be just one side it wouldn’t be a cycle. Think about that…
Wassalam my friend wajaperak,
Hanan, Jewish,
Friday, June 5, 2009
Muslims want actions, not words, from Obama (PIC)
I am particularly interested in below two paragraphs. It seems these are the same stories what I read from the articles/news posted in Israel news network...
While I am still wondering who is real victim here, those living in that sorry states still pointing fingers...
Israel gave us two choices, either to die a slow, agonizing death at the Jewish slaughter house, as has been the case since 1967, or die as suicide bombers in the streets of Israel. Israel never truly offered us a third dignified alternative, one that would respect our very humanity and allow us to live in dignity and freedom.
In America, they say “give me freedom or give me death.” In Israel, however, we are told that we would have to convert to Judaism in order to enjoy God-given freedoms, or else we would have to be enslaved as “water carriers or wood hewers” in the service of the master race (the chosen people), or else we would be treated the same way the ancient Canaanite tribes were treated by the ancient Israelites-total genocide.
Muslims want actions, not words, from Obama (PIC)
By Khalid Amayreh in Occupied East Jerusalem
I sincerely believe that the vast majority of Muslims, including this writer, profoundly appreciate President Obama’s decision to address the Muslim world from Cairo. The American leader will speak from Cairo University, one of the most prestigious academic institutions in the Arab world.
The symbolism surrounding Obama’s long-heralded speech is important. Words of good will, especially if they are sincere, can have an instantaneous positive effect on people’s sentiments. And I am completely certain that Muslims will meet good-will with good-will.
The Prophet of Islam teaches us to be kind to all people, Muslims and non-Muslims alike. “You shall not win the hearts of men with your money, but with kind manners you can,” he said.
Yet, symbolism alone is not enough, and Muslims in general had bitter memories of symbolic gestures coming from western powers.
Two centuries ago, Napoleon , who had just invaded Egypt, sought to endear himself to ordinary Egyptians. He issued proclamations casting himself as a great liberator of the people from Mamluk oppression, and praising the precepts of Islam.
However, his actions soon contradicted his words which exposed his imperialistic ambitions. The “great liberator” turned out to be a great deceiver, a great liar, and a great criminal.
Britain, too, followed the same pattern of behavior, betraying the Arabs-Muslims and stabbing them in the back. . The Balfour declaration of 1917, which led to the implanting of Israel in Palestine in 1948, represented the apex of western betrayal and perfidy toward Islam and Muslims.
This open wound (Israel) continues to trouble western-Muslim relations. This is why genuine, massive and extraordinary efforts must be made in order to resolve the Palestinian plight based on the principle of justice and honesty.
Ahlan wa-sahlan
To begin with, it is important to point out that most Muslims, I would say 99.99 % of them, do want to have friendly and durable relations with the United States, relations based on parity, mutual respect, mutual interests and above all honesty.
Muslims are not inherently hostile to America. The claim that they are, which is often made ignorantly or maliciously, is simply not true.
Indeed, hundreds of thousands of Muslim students have received their college education in the United States. This writer, for example, graduated from the University of Oklahoma in Norman in 1981and obtained a Master degree in Journalism from the University of Southern Illinois in Carbondale in 1983. We thank the American nation for having given us this opportunity.
More to the point, Muslims don’t really fear or reject America’s freedoms and civil liberties. The claim that they do is a sinister canard orchestrated by the Daniel Pipes and Pat Robertsons of this world, people who have vested interests in fostering hostility between Islam and the West.
In fact, I honestly believe that America’s chronic failure to pressure, or even press, its “Arab allies” to allow Arab masses to enjoy human rights and civil liberties is one of the key factors contributing to America’s negative image in the Arab-Muslim world.
Non the less, Muslims should be able to say “ahlan wasahlan” or welcome, to President Obama. We welcome him to our home as we harbor the hope that he will act on his proclamations, such as the need to be honest with Muslims.
In fact, one exaggerates little by saying that honesty summarizes what needs to be done in terms of rectifying America’s relations with the Muslim world. Honesty is paramount because without it nothing right can be done rightly. Moreover, ignoring honesty eventually leads to the accumulation and perpetuation of injustice which in turn leads to bitterness, tension and war.
President Obama is not an ignoramus, he is not a black George Bush. He knows the issues very well.
First of all, there is the enduring Palestinian plight, the central issue of contention between Islam and the Western world.
For many years, successive American administrations enabled Israel to evolve into a monstrously criminal entity that murders with impunity, steals with impunity and lies with impunity. America for decades, nonchalantly and almost indifferently, watched Israel rape the Palestinian people, kill and torment Palestinian men, women and children, destroy their homes, bulldoze their farms and narrow their horizons.
Palestinian towns and villages were morphed into de facto concentration camps where despair and bitterness were produced in great supplies. Israel gave us two choices, either to die a slow, agonizing death at the Jewish slaughter house, as has been the case since 1967, or die as suicide bombers in the streets of Israel. Israel never truly offered us a third dignified alternative, one that would respect our very humanity and allow us to live in dignity and freedom.
And when we went to the United Nations Security Council for justice, the U.S. used its veto power to kill resolutions that would have denounced Israel.
Needless to say, his unlimited and unrestricted support further encouraged Israel to kill more, destroy more and lie more.
In America, they say “give me freedom or give me death.” In Israel, however, we are told that we would have to convert to Judaism in order to enjoy God-given freedoms, or else we would have to be enslaved as “water carriers or wood hewers” in the service of the master race (the chosen people), or else we would be treated the same way the ancient Canaanite tribes were treated by the ancient Israelites-total genocide.
Mr. President, the Israeli occupation of our country is an enduring act of rape. Israel is raping our dignity, our freedom, our very existence. This happens every day, every hour, every minute.
You must have watched the recent genocidal onslaught in Gaza, the tormented coastal territory, which had been thoroughly starved by Israel on no account other than the fact that the Israeli government didn’t like the outcome of the Palestinian elections of 2006.
Israel killed our children in the hundreds, destroyed thousands of homes and rained White Phosphorus on our civilian neighborhoods. That was a Nazi act par excellence. Honesty, after all, requires that honest people call the spade a spade.
This is not Palestinian propaganda. Israel’s inventory of criminality and racism is too huge, so much so that one feels frustrated as to where to begin and where to end.
Hence, Muslims would like to see the US radically depart from its erstwhile embrace of Israel’s territorial expansion ambitions, a lebensraum by any other name.
Then there is the crucial issue of America’s enduring embrace of tyrannical Arab regimes that deny us the most basic human rights.
Do you know Mr. President that while people around the world are allowed to elect their leaders, we in the Arab world are denied that right?
America was supposed to be a shining city on a hill, but your country’s backing of dictatorial police states in our region is drastically incompatible with your declared ideals. Hypocrisy and moral duplicity can’t be instrumental in building an honest relationship between American and Muslims. This is true at the individual level as well among nations and states.
Hence, Muslims want to communicate to you the following message. Don’t support Arab dictators, don’t buy their mendacious excuses, don’t allow yourself to be duped by their twisted rationales for the absence of democracy in their countries.
Otherwise, America will lose the battle for the hearts and minds of 1.6 billion Muslims and will only have itself to blame.
Mr. President, good luck to you.
While I am still wondering who is real victim here, those living in that sorry states still pointing fingers...
Israel gave us two choices, either to die a slow, agonizing death at the Jewish slaughter house, as has been the case since 1967, or die as suicide bombers in the streets of Israel. Israel never truly offered us a third dignified alternative, one that would respect our very humanity and allow us to live in dignity and freedom.
In America, they say “give me freedom or give me death.” In Israel, however, we are told that we would have to convert to Judaism in order to enjoy God-given freedoms, or else we would have to be enslaved as “water carriers or wood hewers” in the service of the master race (the chosen people), or else we would be treated the same way the ancient Canaanite tribes were treated by the ancient Israelites-total genocide.
Muslims want actions, not words, from Obama (PIC)
By Khalid Amayreh in Occupied East Jerusalem
I sincerely believe that the vast majority of Muslims, including this writer, profoundly appreciate President Obama’s decision to address the Muslim world from Cairo. The American leader will speak from Cairo University, one of the most prestigious academic institutions in the Arab world.
The symbolism surrounding Obama’s long-heralded speech is important. Words of good will, especially if they are sincere, can have an instantaneous positive effect on people’s sentiments. And I am completely certain that Muslims will meet good-will with good-will.
The Prophet of Islam teaches us to be kind to all people, Muslims and non-Muslims alike. “You shall not win the hearts of men with your money, but with kind manners you can,” he said.
Yet, symbolism alone is not enough, and Muslims in general had bitter memories of symbolic gestures coming from western powers.
Two centuries ago, Napoleon , who had just invaded Egypt, sought to endear himself to ordinary Egyptians. He issued proclamations casting himself as a great liberator of the people from Mamluk oppression, and praising the precepts of Islam.
However, his actions soon contradicted his words which exposed his imperialistic ambitions. The “great liberator” turned out to be a great deceiver, a great liar, and a great criminal.
Britain, too, followed the same pattern of behavior, betraying the Arabs-Muslims and stabbing them in the back. . The Balfour declaration of 1917, which led to the implanting of Israel in Palestine in 1948, represented the apex of western betrayal and perfidy toward Islam and Muslims.
This open wound (Israel) continues to trouble western-Muslim relations. This is why genuine, massive and extraordinary efforts must be made in order to resolve the Palestinian plight based on the principle of justice and honesty.
Ahlan wa-sahlan
To begin with, it is important to point out that most Muslims, I would say 99.99 % of them, do want to have friendly and durable relations with the United States, relations based on parity, mutual respect, mutual interests and above all honesty.
Muslims are not inherently hostile to America. The claim that they are, which is often made ignorantly or maliciously, is simply not true.
Indeed, hundreds of thousands of Muslim students have received their college education in the United States. This writer, for example, graduated from the University of Oklahoma in Norman in 1981and obtained a Master degree in Journalism from the University of Southern Illinois in Carbondale in 1983. We thank the American nation for having given us this opportunity.
More to the point, Muslims don’t really fear or reject America’s freedoms and civil liberties. The claim that they do is a sinister canard orchestrated by the Daniel Pipes and Pat Robertsons of this world, people who have vested interests in fostering hostility between Islam and the West.
In fact, I honestly believe that America’s chronic failure to pressure, or even press, its “Arab allies” to allow Arab masses to enjoy human rights and civil liberties is one of the key factors contributing to America’s negative image in the Arab-Muslim world.
Non the less, Muslims should be able to say “ahlan wasahlan” or welcome, to President Obama. We welcome him to our home as we harbor the hope that he will act on his proclamations, such as the need to be honest with Muslims.
In fact, one exaggerates little by saying that honesty summarizes what needs to be done in terms of rectifying America’s relations with the Muslim world. Honesty is paramount because without it nothing right can be done rightly. Moreover, ignoring honesty eventually leads to the accumulation and perpetuation of injustice which in turn leads to bitterness, tension and war.
President Obama is not an ignoramus, he is not a black George Bush. He knows the issues very well.
First of all, there is the enduring Palestinian plight, the central issue of contention between Islam and the Western world.
For many years, successive American administrations enabled Israel to evolve into a monstrously criminal entity that murders with impunity, steals with impunity and lies with impunity. America for decades, nonchalantly and almost indifferently, watched Israel rape the Palestinian people, kill and torment Palestinian men, women and children, destroy their homes, bulldoze their farms and narrow their horizons.
Palestinian towns and villages were morphed into de facto concentration camps where despair and bitterness were produced in great supplies. Israel gave us two choices, either to die a slow, agonizing death at the Jewish slaughter house, as has been the case since 1967, or die as suicide bombers in the streets of Israel. Israel never truly offered us a third dignified alternative, one that would respect our very humanity and allow us to live in dignity and freedom.
And when we went to the United Nations Security Council for justice, the U.S. used its veto power to kill resolutions that would have denounced Israel.
Needless to say, his unlimited and unrestricted support further encouraged Israel to kill more, destroy more and lie more.
In America, they say “give me freedom or give me death.” In Israel, however, we are told that we would have to convert to Judaism in order to enjoy God-given freedoms, or else we would have to be enslaved as “water carriers or wood hewers” in the service of the master race (the chosen people), or else we would be treated the same way the ancient Canaanite tribes were treated by the ancient Israelites-total genocide.
Mr. President, the Israeli occupation of our country is an enduring act of rape. Israel is raping our dignity, our freedom, our very existence. This happens every day, every hour, every minute.
You must have watched the recent genocidal onslaught in Gaza, the tormented coastal territory, which had been thoroughly starved by Israel on no account other than the fact that the Israeli government didn’t like the outcome of the Palestinian elections of 2006.
Israel killed our children in the hundreds, destroyed thousands of homes and rained White Phosphorus on our civilian neighborhoods. That was a Nazi act par excellence. Honesty, after all, requires that honest people call the spade a spade.
This is not Palestinian propaganda. Israel’s inventory of criminality and racism is too huge, so much so that one feels frustrated as to where to begin and where to end.
Hence, Muslims would like to see the US radically depart from its erstwhile embrace of Israel’s territorial expansion ambitions, a lebensraum by any other name.
Then there is the crucial issue of America’s enduring embrace of tyrannical Arab regimes that deny us the most basic human rights.
Do you know Mr. President that while people around the world are allowed to elect their leaders, we in the Arab world are denied that right?
America was supposed to be a shining city on a hill, but your country’s backing of dictatorial police states in our region is drastically incompatible with your declared ideals. Hypocrisy and moral duplicity can’t be instrumental in building an honest relationship between American and Muslims. This is true at the individual level as well among nations and states.
Hence, Muslims want to communicate to you the following message. Don’t support Arab dictators, don’t buy their mendacious excuses, don’t allow yourself to be duped by their twisted rationales for the absence of democracy in their countries.
Otherwise, America will lose the battle for the hearts and minds of 1.6 billion Muslims and will only have itself to blame.
Mr. President, good luck to you.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
All Israeli options against Iran on table: Barak (Reuters)
There are many angles of thoughts depending on which side you are standing.
Time is running out some say while some justifications are for nation’s good.
All in all, talk , followed by compromise is the right remedy to clear out any accusations or assumptions…
Else the ramification will be very messy…
All Israeli options against Iran on table: Barak (Reuters)
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak refused on Wednesday to rule out a military strike on Iran, just hours after Israel's foreign minister said the Jewish state would not do so.
"I repeat what I have always said, we are not taking any options off the table," Barak said after meetings with officials from U.S. President Barack Obama's administration in Washington.
Israel's Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said earlier at a Moscow news conference that "Israel is not planning to bomb Iran."
Widely believed to be the Middle East's only nuclear power, Israel has repeatedly described Iran's uranium enrichment as a threat to its existence and has said all options were on the table in preventing Tehran from building atomic weapons.
Barak said Israel supports the Obama administration's initiative to try to talk Iran out of trying to build nuclear weapons but believes it should be limited to a set timeframe.
He added that it would not take long to discover Iran's nuclear aspirations.
"We are talking about a number of months, no more. Whether it is late August, or early or mid September, it should be enough to understand whether the Iranians are serious (about compromise) or whether they are just playing for time," Barak said.
Iran says its nuclear program is for electricity generation.
(Reporting by Dan Williams, writing by Ori Lewis in Jerusalem; editing by Philippa Fletcher)
Time is running out some say while some justifications are for nation’s good.
All in all, talk , followed by compromise is the right remedy to clear out any accusations or assumptions…
Else the ramification will be very messy…
All Israeli options against Iran on table: Barak (Reuters)
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak refused on Wednesday to rule out a military strike on Iran, just hours after Israel's foreign minister said the Jewish state would not do so.
"I repeat what I have always said, we are not taking any options off the table," Barak said after meetings with officials from U.S. President Barack Obama's administration in Washington.
Israel's Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said earlier at a Moscow news conference that "Israel is not planning to bomb Iran."
Widely believed to be the Middle East's only nuclear power, Israel has repeatedly described Iran's uranium enrichment as a threat to its existence and has said all options were on the table in preventing Tehran from building atomic weapons.
Barak said Israel supports the Obama administration's initiative to try to talk Iran out of trying to build nuclear weapons but believes it should be limited to a set timeframe.
He added that it would not take long to discover Iran's nuclear aspirations.
"We are talking about a number of months, no more. Whether it is late August, or early or mid September, it should be enough to understand whether the Iranians are serious (about compromise) or whether they are just playing for time," Barak said.
Iran says its nuclear program is for electricity generation.
(Reporting by Dan Williams, writing by Ori Lewis in Jerusalem; editing by Philippa Fletcher)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Hanan in Gaza's Comment (Chedet)
Hanan made another come back in Chedet's GAZA post. With his humble yet provoking tone, I can feel the strong urge by One Israeli to make Peace with his conflict enemy.
On the other hand, there are already few negotiations & discussions occured in the last 1 year but yet both Leaders cannot reach to a common agreement. So, I do believe that the discussion channel is open & the only thing lack in this area is the will to Compromise...
By Hanan
Dear Dr. Mahathir and friends, Assalamalaikum and grace.
I don’t agree with the opinions of Rabbi Cohen as well as with the other personas mentioned in the post. Even so I can see some important points in Dr. Mahathir’s post. I can feel a change from a stormy wind into a refreshing breeze. Dr. Mahathir still talks about Israel as the enemy but on the other hand he admit its existence. At least there is a hope that Israel is not to be wiped off the map. I agree with Dr. Mahathir that the Palestinians are focused more in revenge than to solve their own problems, once and forever. Revenge is not promoting any logic, any solution but more frustration for all.
It is not a secret that mistakes are a human habit. For sure Israel did mistakes as same that the Palestinians and Arabs did mistakes. Those are whipping mistakes we are paying the toll day by day. Both sides and even non involved people worldwide.
Do you think that by continuing ignoring each other we can find the solution? Being ignorant is the first and most danger step to become an extremist. So what can we do? We (all of us) can do much. First, we must think in a some reverse order. We know since day one that we are the “slaves” of the politicians. It should be the opposite. We must make the politicians to be our (the people’s) “slaves”. We need to enforce the politicians to do what we think is right for our living. They are our servants and not we are their servants. We must stop being the “herd”.
Why should peace be a business of leaders? Why should leaders solve conflicts? We tend to think that prior being friends we must have peace, then after peace is achieved we can become friends. This cannot work since if we never become friends, we never can talk, so we never can have peace unless one side defeats and oppresses the other side. The logic is in reverse order. We need to become friends first and then we can talk to each other frankly. We can be tolerant and respectful. We can compromise, even doing it willingly. Then we don’t need the peace because it is here. Simple and easy.
We must realize that we (the people) are used by the politicians like a putty for their own political aspirations. Sometimes those aspirations are in an increasing inertia towards the wrong direction. People should have the courage to speak up their minds. Just look what I’m doing. It is not a easy task to confront within me with “biased definitions”. I’m sure it is happening to all of us. I call myself a “right-wing” Zionist Jew. But is it really important how I call myself? What is important is what I do and perform. Just to become closer to you I’m not using the word “Zionist” in my my signature footer. I know that this word is provoking some or many of you. Since provoking is not my intention I can compromise and wipe the “ego” banner.
Mr. JJJ called me a “new nazi” [That doesn't diminish the fact that... ZIONIST JEWS ARE THE NEW NAZIS!]. Does Mr. JJJ think that he made me being sad or humiliated? Not at all. Mr. JJJ is still a “biased” person. I forgive JJJ for being wrong judging me. I could be easily ignorant of all of you and of Dr. Mahathir. This is a very easy task to be ignorant. I feel that I have a purpose to get closer to my enemies. This is a much harder task and a long process than to be ignorant. We must step toward each other and become friends. To become friends we first must think that we cannot destroy each other. This is what I learned from the “hidden” message of Dr. Mahathir. Furthermore, I’m almost sure that Dr. Mahathir intention is to check if you are (Malaysians and Muslims) ready to accept Israel (the state format is important but a bargaining issue via a peaceful talk).
I can feel that change. As I’m an engineer in my profession, I’m using sometimes the disadvantage of the problem as the “magic solution particles” to solve the problem. This is a kind of an opposite logic, not rational. But if you think deeper, it is the most rational solution. I assume we (all of us) are people with love in their hearts. In the present situation our “love” is directed to hate the enemy and become a disadvantage. Can we use it differently? Can we use it without any manipulation? YES WE CAN!!!
Dr. Mahathir’s points #7 and #10 are providing us a springboard to the pool of peace. I already jumped into that pool and swimming almost alone (I have one excellent swimmer beside me). The pool is still empty and waiting for more swimmers to jump in. There is an endless space for all. We must hurry before it will be too late.
Points #8 and #11 are upsetting and expressing exactly what wrong political manipulations are causing. The quiet majority is still swallowing the accumulated bitterness for so many years.
Hanan, Jewish,
On the other hand, there are already few negotiations & discussions occured in the last 1 year but yet both Leaders cannot reach to a common agreement. So, I do believe that the discussion channel is open & the only thing lack in this area is the will to Compromise...
By Hanan
Dear Dr. Mahathir and friends, Assalamalaikum and grace.
I don’t agree with the opinions of Rabbi Cohen as well as with the other personas mentioned in the post. Even so I can see some important points in Dr. Mahathir’s post. I can feel a change from a stormy wind into a refreshing breeze. Dr. Mahathir still talks about Israel as the enemy but on the other hand he admit its existence. At least there is a hope that Israel is not to be wiped off the map. I agree with Dr. Mahathir that the Palestinians are focused more in revenge than to solve their own problems, once and forever. Revenge is not promoting any logic, any solution but more frustration for all.
It is not a secret that mistakes are a human habit. For sure Israel did mistakes as same that the Palestinians and Arabs did mistakes. Those are whipping mistakes we are paying the toll day by day. Both sides and even non involved people worldwide.
Do you think that by continuing ignoring each other we can find the solution? Being ignorant is the first and most danger step to become an extremist. So what can we do? We (all of us) can do much. First, we must think in a some reverse order. We know since day one that we are the “slaves” of the politicians. It should be the opposite. We must make the politicians to be our (the people’s) “slaves”. We need to enforce the politicians to do what we think is right for our living. They are our servants and not we are their servants. We must stop being the “herd”.
Why should peace be a business of leaders? Why should leaders solve conflicts? We tend to think that prior being friends we must have peace, then after peace is achieved we can become friends. This cannot work since if we never become friends, we never can talk, so we never can have peace unless one side defeats and oppresses the other side. The logic is in reverse order. We need to become friends first and then we can talk to each other frankly. We can be tolerant and respectful. We can compromise, even doing it willingly. Then we don’t need the peace because it is here. Simple and easy.
We must realize that we (the people) are used by the politicians like a putty for their own political aspirations. Sometimes those aspirations are in an increasing inertia towards the wrong direction. People should have the courage to speak up their minds. Just look what I’m doing. It is not a easy task to confront within me with “biased definitions”. I’m sure it is happening to all of us. I call myself a “right-wing” Zionist Jew. But is it really important how I call myself? What is important is what I do and perform. Just to become closer to you I’m not using the word “Zionist” in my my signature footer. I know that this word is provoking some or many of you. Since provoking is not my intention I can compromise and wipe the “ego” banner.
Mr. JJJ called me a “new nazi” [That doesn't diminish the fact that... ZIONIST JEWS ARE THE NEW NAZIS!]. Does Mr. JJJ think that he made me being sad or humiliated? Not at all. Mr. JJJ is still a “biased” person. I forgive JJJ for being wrong judging me. I could be easily ignorant of all of you and of Dr. Mahathir. This is a very easy task to be ignorant. I feel that I have a purpose to get closer to my enemies. This is a much harder task and a long process than to be ignorant. We must step toward each other and become friends. To become friends we first must think that we cannot destroy each other. This is what I learned from the “hidden” message of Dr. Mahathir. Furthermore, I’m almost sure that Dr. Mahathir intention is to check if you are (Malaysians and Muslims) ready to accept Israel (the state format is important but a bargaining issue via a peaceful talk).
I can feel that change. As I’m an engineer in my profession, I’m using sometimes the disadvantage of the problem as the “magic solution particles” to solve the problem. This is a kind of an opposite logic, not rational. But if you think deeper, it is the most rational solution. I assume we (all of us) are people with love in their hearts. In the present situation our “love” is directed to hate the enemy and become a disadvantage. Can we use it differently? Can we use it without any manipulation? YES WE CAN!!!
Dr. Mahathir’s points #7 and #10 are providing us a springboard to the pool of peace. I already jumped into that pool and swimming almost alone (I have one excellent swimmer beside me). The pool is still empty and waiting for more swimmers to jump in. There is an endless space for all. We must hurry before it will be too late.
Points #8 and #11 are upsetting and expressing exactly what wrong political manipulations are causing. The quiet majority is still swallowing the accumulated bitterness for so many years.
Hanan, Jewish,
Monday, June 1, 2009
Six killed when Abbas forces hit Hamas in West Bank (Reuters)
How can you fight outsiders if you have dirty laundry within your own yard?
Anyway, I think the Leaders should have the Right & United Political Ideology in ruling the state as well as solving the current crisis...
Six killed when Abbas forces hit Hamas in West Bank (Reuters)
By Naim Sweilem
QALQILYA, West Bank (Reuters) - Six people were killed on Sunday when forces loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas raided a Hamas hideout, just days after he promised in Washington to fulfill his security commitments.
The violence erupted when police encircled a house in the West Bank town of Qalqilya where a top Hamas field commander, Mohammad Samman, and his deputy Mohammad Yasin, had taken refuge, witnesses and security officials said.
It was the bloodiest internal Palestinian clash in the occupied West Bank since the Western-backed Abbas launched a security drive and revived peace talks with Israel in 2007 after breaking with Hamas over its takeover of the Gaza Strip.
Samman and Yasin had ignored calls to surrender, witnesses said. Palestinian security forces spokesman Adnan Damiri said police had tried to negotiate a peaceful end to the standoff.
"Thousands of shots were fired at the security forces," Damiri said, adding that large quantities of explosives were discovered in the Hamas hideout.
After the raid, Hamas threatened to call off Egyptian-sponsored reconciliation talks with Fatah that had been scheduled to resume in Cairo in July.
Fawzhi Barhoum, a Hamas spokesman in the Gaza Strip said: "We in Hamas have come closer than ever to taking a decision to suspend our participation in the dialogue."
A spokesman for Hamas's armed wing accused the Abbas-aligned forces of being "loyal to the Zionists" and alleged he was directly responsible for "the crime and its consequences."
Despite the violence, the operation could boost Abbas's credentials in Washington at a time when U.S. President Barack Obama is at odds with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over Jewish settlements in the West Bank.
"The Palestinian security forces will strike with an iron fist against anyone harming the interests of the Palestinian people," Abbas, describing the Hamas men as "outlaws," was quoted as saying by the Palestinian WAFA news agency.
Obama hosted Abbas in the White House on Thursday and complimented him on security steps he has taken in the West Bank under the 2003 peace "road map" that includes a call for a crackdown on militants.
Abbas, speaking to reporters in the Oval Office, said he was committed to "law and order" in the West Bank and to fulfilling "all of our obligations under the road map, from A to Z."
Obama noted that Abbas had been working with U.S. General Keith Dayton, who is helping the Palestinian Authority train its security forces. It was not immediately clear if U.S.-trained forces took part in the Qalqilya operation.
Israel, which has not met its road map commitments to halt the expansion of Jewish settlements, has said the Palestinians need to do more to meet their security obligations.
Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak, whose responsibilities include overseeing settlement construction, will hold talks in Washington this week in a bid to ease friction with Obama.
(Additional reporting by Joseph Nasr in Jerusalem, Mohammed Assadi in Ramallah and Nidal al-Mughrabi in Gaza; writing by Jeffrey Heller, Dan Williams, and Allyn Fisher-Ilan editing by Michael Roddy)
Anyway, I think the Leaders should have the Right & United Political Ideology in ruling the state as well as solving the current crisis...
Six killed when Abbas forces hit Hamas in West Bank (Reuters)
By Naim Sweilem
QALQILYA, West Bank (Reuters) - Six people were killed on Sunday when forces loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas raided a Hamas hideout, just days after he promised in Washington to fulfill his security commitments.
The violence erupted when police encircled a house in the West Bank town of Qalqilya where a top Hamas field commander, Mohammad Samman, and his deputy Mohammad Yasin, had taken refuge, witnesses and security officials said.
It was the bloodiest internal Palestinian clash in the occupied West Bank since the Western-backed Abbas launched a security drive and revived peace talks with Israel in 2007 after breaking with Hamas over its takeover of the Gaza Strip.
Samman and Yasin had ignored calls to surrender, witnesses said. Palestinian security forces spokesman Adnan Damiri said police had tried to negotiate a peaceful end to the standoff.
"Thousands of shots were fired at the security forces," Damiri said, adding that large quantities of explosives were discovered in the Hamas hideout.
After the raid, Hamas threatened to call off Egyptian-sponsored reconciliation talks with Fatah that had been scheduled to resume in Cairo in July.
Fawzhi Barhoum, a Hamas spokesman in the Gaza Strip said: "We in Hamas have come closer than ever to taking a decision to suspend our participation in the dialogue."
A spokesman for Hamas's armed wing accused the Abbas-aligned forces of being "loyal to the Zionists" and alleged he was directly responsible for "the crime and its consequences."
Despite the violence, the operation could boost Abbas's credentials in Washington at a time when U.S. President Barack Obama is at odds with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over Jewish settlements in the West Bank.
"The Palestinian security forces will strike with an iron fist against anyone harming the interests of the Palestinian people," Abbas, describing the Hamas men as "outlaws," was quoted as saying by the Palestinian WAFA news agency.
Obama hosted Abbas in the White House on Thursday and complimented him on security steps he has taken in the West Bank under the 2003 peace "road map" that includes a call for a crackdown on militants.
Abbas, speaking to reporters in the Oval Office, said he was committed to "law and order" in the West Bank and to fulfilling "all of our obligations under the road map, from A to Z."
Obama noted that Abbas had been working with U.S. General Keith Dayton, who is helping the Palestinian Authority train its security forces. It was not immediately clear if U.S.-trained forces took part in the Qalqilya operation.
Israel, which has not met its road map commitments to halt the expansion of Jewish settlements, has said the Palestinians need to do more to meet their security obligations.
Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak, whose responsibilities include overseeing settlement construction, will hold talks in Washington this week in a bid to ease friction with Obama.
(Additional reporting by Joseph Nasr in Jerusalem, Mohammed Assadi in Ramallah and Nidal al-Mughrabi in Gaza; writing by Jeffrey Heller, Dan Williams, and Allyn Fisher-Ilan editing by Michael Roddy)
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