My previous Post did mentioned about different view from different eye & the news below just proving this point...
Syria: Netanyahu speech rejects peace prerequisites (PIC)
DAMASCUS, (PIC)-- An official Syrian source has described the speech of Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu as reflecting a clear indication against peace in the region.
The source in a statement carried by the official Syrian 'SANA' news agency on Tuesday called on the Arab and Islamic Nation to unite efforts and adopt necessary measures to confront the "Zionist destructive policy".
He added that Netanyahu's emphsis on the Jewish nature of Israel and his rejection of the Palestinian refugees' right of return is a racist position aimed at abolishing the right of a people to exist on its own soil.
The source opined that Netanyahu's conditions for peace constituted a clear rejection of objective fundamentals that could lead to peace in the Middle East in accordance with international legitimacy.
He said that Netanyahu's speech makes it imperative on the Palestinians to return to national unity and to jointly work for the sake of preserving and restoring rights.
The source asked the world community at large and the USA in particular to pressure Israel to end all forms of usurpation, to halt judaization of Jerusalem, to lift the siege on the Gaza Strip and to implement all international resolutions in a bid to reach a just and comprehensive peace.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Haneyya asks the world community to pressure the IOA to lift siege(PIC)
Hope Carter's visit will yield a better result..or "national dream" still remain as after-eye-shut's luxury?
Haneyya asks the world community to pressure the IOA to lift siege(PIC)
GAZA, (PIC)-- Palestinian premier Ismail Haneyya has urged the world community to pressure the Israeli occupation authority to lift the siege on Gaza Strip and end the Palestinian people's suffering.
He told a joint press conference with former American president Jimmy Carter that such a step would lead to mutual and reciprocal calm with the IOA.
Haneyya also said that his government was ready to accept the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, describing it as "national dream".
He affirmed, however, that such a state should be fully sovereign with Jerusalem as its capital.
The premier said that he discussed with Carter the question of prisoners and the Israeli captured soldier Gilad Shalit during a meeting with Hamas leaders. He declared support for any effort leading to an honorable prisoners' exchange deal.
Yousef Rezka, the political advisor of Haneyya, said in an earlier statement that the government would listen to Carter's evaluation of Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu's speech.
He said that Carter's visit falls in line with the positive changes in dealing with Hamas movement and the government in Gaza worldwide.
Rezka would not confirm or deny that Carter was carrying a message from the new American administration of Barack Obama to Hamas.
For his part, MP Ismail Al-Ashkar said that Carter's visit affirmed that no one could sidestep Hamas.
He added in a statement on Tuesday that the American administration should re-consider its stands regarding the Palestinian people's right of self-determination and not to persist in the policy of unlimited support for Israel, explaining that such support had led Israel to ignore the international law and to violate human rights.

GAZA, (PIC)-- Palestinian premier Ismail Haneyya has urged the world community to pressure the Israeli occupation authority to lift the siege on Gaza Strip and end the Palestinian people's suffering.
He told a joint press conference with former American president Jimmy Carter that such a step would lead to mutual and reciprocal calm with the IOA.
Haneyya also said that his government was ready to accept the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, describing it as "national dream".
He affirmed, however, that such a state should be fully sovereign with Jerusalem as its capital.
The premier said that he discussed with Carter the question of prisoners and the Israeli captured soldier Gilad Shalit during a meeting with Hamas leaders. He declared support for any effort leading to an honorable prisoners' exchange deal.
Yousef Rezka, the political advisor of Haneyya, said in an earlier statement that the government would listen to Carter's evaluation of Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu's speech.
He said that Carter's visit falls in line with the positive changes in dealing with Hamas movement and the government in Gaza worldwide.
Rezka would not confirm or deny that Carter was carrying a message from the new American administration of Barack Obama to Hamas.
For his part, MP Ismail Al-Ashkar said that Carter's visit affirmed that no one could sidestep Hamas.
He added in a statement on Tuesday that the American administration should re-consider its stands regarding the Palestinian people's right of self-determination and not to persist in the policy of unlimited support for Israel, explaining that such support had led Israel to ignore the international law and to violate human rights.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Netanyahu’s Kafkaesque vision of Palestinian statehood (PIC)
Well, different people may interpret differently on a statement just like a single dish tasted by different people might give you different comments.
There should be no double words about the intention from Ne’s speech.
We can either study each word or sentence uttered or start to seek for clarification & work towards the bottomline.
BTW, what is your interpretation from the speech?
Netanyahu’s Kafkaesque vision of Palestinian statehood (PIC)
By Khalid Amayreh, Occupied East Jerusalem
There is no doubt that Benyamin Netanyahu’s odious screed at Bar Ilan University Sunday night was a slap in the face to all those who gave the so-called “peace process” between the Palestinian people and Israel the benefit of the doubt.
First, it was a brazenly direct affront to President Obama who thought rather naively that nice words about peace would make the Israeli leadership change its fascistic mindset and reconsider it colonialist approach toward the Palestinian people.
Just last week, Obama reasserted America’s commitment to the safety and security of Israel as if the Zionist entity, which possesses hundreds of nuclear warheads, was facing any real threats from its neighbors.
However, in light of Netanyahu’s speech last night, it is amply clear that American support of Israel serves only to embolden the apartheid’s state and make it adopt even more extremist postures toward the Palestinian issue.
President Obama must really deeply ponder this specific point and reconsider America ’s entire policy toward Israel .
Second, the hateful tirade was a slap in the face for the so-called “moderate” Arab regimes, like Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, who have degraded themselves and their people for the purpose of encouraging and endearing Israel to come to terms with minimal Palestinian rights.
For example, some of the Arab regimes have been playing an active role in starving and tormenting the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip in the hope of obtaining a certificate of good conduct from the Zionist leadership.
Now, these tyrants should have the courage and dignity to reconsider their erstwhile disgraceful discourse toward Israel by realizing that no matter how much Arabs and Muslims seek to appease and accommodate Israel’s racist whims, the Zionist entity will remain faithful to its diabolical principles of domination and colonialism.
Non the less, it is obvious that the biggest slap in the face went to the American-backed Palestinian regime in Ramallah, especially PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas and his de-facto prime minister Salam Fayyadh, the reputed darling of the former Bush administration.
We all know too well how this collaborationist regime did every thing in its power to demonstrate its total subservience to Israel, the Nazi-like occupier of our homeland.
The Ramallah Judenrat has been persecuting the Palestinian people to please Israel . It has rounded up thousands of Palestinian Islamic activists to demonstrate its “commitment” to the security understandings forged with the Israeli army. And more recently, it mercilessly and callously murdered resistance fighters in the northern West Bank , a feat that drew a lot of praise from the very people who had murdered Abu Jihad, Ahmed Yasin and may well have poisoned Yasser Arafat.
In fact, what Netanyahu was telling these petty collaborators last night is that no matter how much they cheapen themselves before Israel , even by killing their own people to safeguard the security of Israeli settlements, they will continue to be treated with the utter contempt they deserve.
Undoubtedly, Netanyahu’s speech amounted to a complete negation of all the “understandings and agreements” reached since the conclusion of the infamous Oslo Accords more than 16 years ago.
Netanyahu did say that he would be willing to accept a castrated Palestinian state somewhere in “the Land of Israel .” However, he insisted that such an entity would have to be tightly controlled by Israel and bereft of any semblance of sovereignty or dignity.
Indeed, the state the Nazi-minded Zionist leader has in mind has conspicuous Kafkaesque characteristics since its airspace, territorial water, borders, border crossings, water resources and foreign relations will be controlled by the Ubermenschen, the “chosen people,” the “master race.”
Interestingly, the Israeli premier repeatedly demanded that the Palestinians must recognize Israel as a state of the Jewish people.
Well, for those who don’t understand Zionist phraseology, it is important to clarify that terms such as “Jewish state” or “state of the Jewish people” are actually euphemistic expressions connoting the half-revealed but well-known Israeli intentions to deport the 1.5 million strong Palestinians living as Israeli citizens in the Zionist state.
Hence, Netanyahu and his cohorts are effectively demanding that the Palestinian people and their leadership solemnly acknowledge that Israel will have the right to ethnically cleanse its Palestinian citizens at a time of its choosing….because Israel is “the state of the Jewish people” and anyone whishing to be treated as an equal citizen, he or she would have to be a Jew or convert to Judaism.
Moreover, the arrogant Zionist premier reiterated his extremist views on al-Quds al Sharif, vowing that the holy city of Jerusalem will remain Israel’s undivided capital. He also vowed to keep up settlement expansion in the West Bank , irrespective of the wishes of the Obama administration.
A pathological liar and notorious prevaricator, Netanyahu said the conceivable Palestinian entity would have to be totally demilitarized in order to rule out the emergence of a Hamas regime.
He utterly ignored the fact that his own government comprises Nazi-like parties, some of which even don’t recognize the very humanity of non-Jews.
Hence, one is really prompted to ask Netanyahu and those who are still beguiled by his mendacious rhetoric how he would explain to the world that Jews in Israel have the right to elect manifestly Nazi-minded parties such as ha’Bayt ha’Yahudi and ha’Ichud ha’Leumi while the Palestinians are barred from electing a party like Hamas, which really looks like a band of boy scouts when compared to the virulently racist Jewish groups such Chabad and the Kookites whose rabbis are still arguing why the Almighty created non-Jews with two legs, not four, as He did other animals.
Undoubtedly, Netanyahu’s speech caricatured a thoroughly arrogant and megalomaniac leader, not unlike Adolph Hitler, a Fuhrer who thinks non-Jews living the “Land of Israel” are children of a lesser God, or wretched Untermenschen, who should serve as “wood hewers” and “water carriers” for the Jewish master race. And if they refuse servitude and enslavement, they would have to be banished into the Arabian desert or simply slaughtered en mass following the Biblical style.
Now the ball is squarely in the court of the White House. It is either Obama proves that he is the man of his word, by acting immediately to restrain this Nazi-like monster that is evidently hell-bent on savaging 5 million Palestinians who are demanding emancipation from decades of Zionist-Jewish cruelty.
Should Obama prove unable or unwilling to act on his proclamations which he made in Cairo last week, Arabs and Muslims as well as all other peace-loving people around the world would have to draw the right conclusion and come to term with the ugly reality in this part of the world, namely that Israel is a malignant Nazi-like entity that is hell-bent on spreading wars and chaos in the Middle East and beyond.
Eventually, the immense turbulence and violence resulting from the Zionist menace would sooner or later get the U.S. bogged down in bloodier wars in many parts of the Muslim world, wars that would further destroy the American economy and cause untold thousands of America’s finest sons and daughters to lose their lives for Israel’s sake.
There should be no double words about the intention from Ne’s speech.
We can either study each word or sentence uttered or start to seek for clarification & work towards the bottomline.
BTW, what is your interpretation from the speech?
Netanyahu’s Kafkaesque vision of Palestinian statehood (PIC)
By Khalid Amayreh, Occupied East Jerusalem
There is no doubt that Benyamin Netanyahu’s odious screed at Bar Ilan University Sunday night was a slap in the face to all those who gave the so-called “peace process” between the Palestinian people and Israel the benefit of the doubt.
First, it was a brazenly direct affront to President Obama who thought rather naively that nice words about peace would make the Israeli leadership change its fascistic mindset and reconsider it colonialist approach toward the Palestinian people.
Just last week, Obama reasserted America’s commitment to the safety and security of Israel as if the Zionist entity, which possesses hundreds of nuclear warheads, was facing any real threats from its neighbors.
However, in light of Netanyahu’s speech last night, it is amply clear that American support of Israel serves only to embolden the apartheid’s state and make it adopt even more extremist postures toward the Palestinian issue.
President Obama must really deeply ponder this specific point and reconsider America ’s entire policy toward Israel .
Second, the hateful tirade was a slap in the face for the so-called “moderate” Arab regimes, like Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, who have degraded themselves and their people for the purpose of encouraging and endearing Israel to come to terms with minimal Palestinian rights.
For example, some of the Arab regimes have been playing an active role in starving and tormenting the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip in the hope of obtaining a certificate of good conduct from the Zionist leadership.
Now, these tyrants should have the courage and dignity to reconsider their erstwhile disgraceful discourse toward Israel by realizing that no matter how much Arabs and Muslims seek to appease and accommodate Israel’s racist whims, the Zionist entity will remain faithful to its diabolical principles of domination and colonialism.
Non the less, it is obvious that the biggest slap in the face went to the American-backed Palestinian regime in Ramallah, especially PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas and his de-facto prime minister Salam Fayyadh, the reputed darling of the former Bush administration.
We all know too well how this collaborationist regime did every thing in its power to demonstrate its total subservience to Israel, the Nazi-like occupier of our homeland.
The Ramallah Judenrat has been persecuting the Palestinian people to please Israel . It has rounded up thousands of Palestinian Islamic activists to demonstrate its “commitment” to the security understandings forged with the Israeli army. And more recently, it mercilessly and callously murdered resistance fighters in the northern West Bank , a feat that drew a lot of praise from the very people who had murdered Abu Jihad, Ahmed Yasin and may well have poisoned Yasser Arafat.
In fact, what Netanyahu was telling these petty collaborators last night is that no matter how much they cheapen themselves before Israel , even by killing their own people to safeguard the security of Israeli settlements, they will continue to be treated with the utter contempt they deserve.
Undoubtedly, Netanyahu’s speech amounted to a complete negation of all the “understandings and agreements” reached since the conclusion of the infamous Oslo Accords more than 16 years ago.
Netanyahu did say that he would be willing to accept a castrated Palestinian state somewhere in “the Land of Israel .” However, he insisted that such an entity would have to be tightly controlled by Israel and bereft of any semblance of sovereignty or dignity.
Indeed, the state the Nazi-minded Zionist leader has in mind has conspicuous Kafkaesque characteristics since its airspace, territorial water, borders, border crossings, water resources and foreign relations will be controlled by the Ubermenschen, the “chosen people,” the “master race.”
Interestingly, the Israeli premier repeatedly demanded that the Palestinians must recognize Israel as a state of the Jewish people.
Well, for those who don’t understand Zionist phraseology, it is important to clarify that terms such as “Jewish state” or “state of the Jewish people” are actually euphemistic expressions connoting the half-revealed but well-known Israeli intentions to deport the 1.5 million strong Palestinians living as Israeli citizens in the Zionist state.
Hence, Netanyahu and his cohorts are effectively demanding that the Palestinian people and their leadership solemnly acknowledge that Israel will have the right to ethnically cleanse its Palestinian citizens at a time of its choosing….because Israel is “the state of the Jewish people” and anyone whishing to be treated as an equal citizen, he or she would have to be a Jew or convert to Judaism.
Moreover, the arrogant Zionist premier reiterated his extremist views on al-Quds al Sharif, vowing that the holy city of Jerusalem will remain Israel’s undivided capital. He also vowed to keep up settlement expansion in the West Bank , irrespective of the wishes of the Obama administration.
A pathological liar and notorious prevaricator, Netanyahu said the conceivable Palestinian entity would have to be totally demilitarized in order to rule out the emergence of a Hamas regime.
He utterly ignored the fact that his own government comprises Nazi-like parties, some of which even don’t recognize the very humanity of non-Jews.
Hence, one is really prompted to ask Netanyahu and those who are still beguiled by his mendacious rhetoric how he would explain to the world that Jews in Israel have the right to elect manifestly Nazi-minded parties such as ha’Bayt ha’Yahudi and ha’Ichud ha’Leumi while the Palestinians are barred from electing a party like Hamas, which really looks like a band of boy scouts when compared to the virulently racist Jewish groups such Chabad and the Kookites whose rabbis are still arguing why the Almighty created non-Jews with two legs, not four, as He did other animals.
Undoubtedly, Netanyahu’s speech caricatured a thoroughly arrogant and megalomaniac leader, not unlike Adolph Hitler, a Fuhrer who thinks non-Jews living the “Land of Israel” are children of a lesser God, or wretched Untermenschen, who should serve as “wood hewers” and “water carriers” for the Jewish master race. And if they refuse servitude and enslavement, they would have to be banished into the Arabian desert or simply slaughtered en mass following the Biblical style.
Now the ball is squarely in the court of the White House. It is either Obama proves that he is the man of his word, by acting immediately to restrain this Nazi-like monster that is evidently hell-bent on savaging 5 million Palestinians who are demanding emancipation from decades of Zionist-Jewish cruelty.
Should Obama prove unable or unwilling to act on his proclamations which he made in Cairo last week, Arabs and Muslims as well as all other peace-loving people around the world would have to draw the right conclusion and come to term with the ugly reality in this part of the world, namely that Israel is a malignant Nazi-like entity that is hell-bent on spreading wars and chaos in the Middle East and beyond.
Eventually, the immense turbulence and violence resulting from the Zionist menace would sooner or later get the U.S. bogged down in bloodier wars in many parts of the Muslim world, wars that would further destroy the American economy and cause untold thousands of America’s finest sons and daughters to lose their lives for Israel’s sake.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Netanyahu speech in full at Begin Sadat Center (YouTube)

Interesting speech from IS Prime Minister in Begin-Sadat center.
Duration: 28mins & 35seconds
YouTube: Netanyahu speech in full at Begin Sadat Center
YouTube: Netanyahu speech in full at Begin Sadat Center
Dayton's Joy (PIC)
This comment triggered few side notes:
1. Why Hamas was quoted as extremist
2. Why IS willing to cooperate with Palestinian to bring down Hamas?
Ponder about it & we may able to see the light…
Dayton's Joy (PIC) Prof Sattar Kassem
I read Dayton's congressional hearing of May 7, 2009, and I noticed the enthusiasm that filled his heart, and the joy and jubilance that appeared on his face. He talked in details about his great achievements in training Palestinians in Jordan and Jericho on how to deal with security matters concerning Palestinian “terrorists” and demonstrators, and how to coordinate with the Israeli army and security service. He numerated several instances and gave many examples on how Palestinians are comfortably coordinating with the Israelis, something that is very much different from the past. He said that Palestinians used to lie in the past, or hesitate in cooperating with the Israelis, but now they are honest and have the courage to do the coordination openly and with no kind of guilt-feeling.
He reiterated in the hearing that what is happening in Palestine is something that was unbelievable, but now it is a reality. He showed so much joy because of this achievement to which he is accredited. He was trying to show his great success, and asked for more money to continue the process. He talked about the security academy in Jericho as a prominent educational institution that will be a pillar of peace making in the area. And he assured the congressional committee that he will train more Palestinians in Jordan.
This general who is apparently proud of his achievements was thought by the Israelis as a failure, and his replacement was demanded, but the White House convinced Israel to give him a second chance. The Israelis accused him of being indeterminate and indecisive with the Palestinian Authority and security service, and fell at so many times into their deceptive promises. That is why he has been tough and blunt with the Palestinians after the fall of Gaza into the hands of Hamas. He has instructed the Palestinians to cooperate and coordinate with the Israelis openly and without any kind of moral or ethical restrictions, and without any national or social considerations. And he has been educating the Palestinians on how they serve their own country and state building when they hit hard (arrest or maim or shoot to kill) against Hamas “terrorists” and extremists who are conspiring with Tehran against the Arab Nation.
This general who represents the US and its administration headed by Hajj Obama is working relentlessly at dismantling the Palestinian society and turning the Palestinians into mere individuals who each of them is concerned about his/her own living. He usually tells his Palestinian clients that his approach and methods are the best way toward the making a Palestinian state, and this state will emerge as Israel becomes convinced that the Palestinians pose no danger to its security. This is not true, and the general is trying to turn Palestinians into Israeli security recruits who finally would rein over a Palestinian entity of collaborators.
Neither the general nor America nor Europe are interested in a truly independent state that has an army and free open borders with the Arab states, but they use the money, the basic needs of making a living to bring the Palestinians to their knees and their basic Arab chastity intruded by their whims. The general is implanting hatred among the Palestinians, and the more they commit themselves to internal feuds and bloodshed, the more success he is assumed to be achieving. And his final objective is to please the Zionists regardless of the sufferings and the agonies of the Palestinians.
The general is joyous for the cooperation he is receiving from many Palestinians, this very joy marks an awful stage in Palestinian history, and it is the embodiment of Palestinian dissolution. If the Palestinians were not divided, if they were not killing each other, if they were not collaborating with their enemy against themselves, if they were honest to their cause this joy would never materialize.
Finally I would like to assure the general that the Palestinians belong to a great nation which is belittled now because of the puppets who are leading, but history is in a state of flux. Things will change. And I am sure that the general is confident that those who betray their country cannot provide security for their enemy.
Mr. Sattar Kassem, Professor of Political Science at Al Najah University in Nablus
1. Why Hamas was quoted as extremist
2. Why IS willing to cooperate with Palestinian to bring down Hamas?
Ponder about it & we may able to see the light…
Dayton's Joy (PIC) Prof Sattar Kassem
I read Dayton's congressional hearing of May 7, 2009, and I noticed the enthusiasm that filled his heart, and the joy and jubilance that appeared on his face. He talked in details about his great achievements in training Palestinians in Jordan and Jericho on how to deal with security matters concerning Palestinian “terrorists” and demonstrators, and how to coordinate with the Israeli army and security service. He numerated several instances and gave many examples on how Palestinians are comfortably coordinating with the Israelis, something that is very much different from the past. He said that Palestinians used to lie in the past, or hesitate in cooperating with the Israelis, but now they are honest and have the courage to do the coordination openly and with no kind of guilt-feeling.
He reiterated in the hearing that what is happening in Palestine is something that was unbelievable, but now it is a reality. He showed so much joy because of this achievement to which he is accredited. He was trying to show his great success, and asked for more money to continue the process. He talked about the security academy in Jericho as a prominent educational institution that will be a pillar of peace making in the area. And he assured the congressional committee that he will train more Palestinians in Jordan.
This general who is apparently proud of his achievements was thought by the Israelis as a failure, and his replacement was demanded, but the White House convinced Israel to give him a second chance. The Israelis accused him of being indeterminate and indecisive with the Palestinian Authority and security service, and fell at so many times into their deceptive promises. That is why he has been tough and blunt with the Palestinians after the fall of Gaza into the hands of Hamas. He has instructed the Palestinians to cooperate and coordinate with the Israelis openly and without any kind of moral or ethical restrictions, and without any national or social considerations. And he has been educating the Palestinians on how they serve their own country and state building when they hit hard (arrest or maim or shoot to kill) against Hamas “terrorists” and extremists who are conspiring with Tehran against the Arab Nation.
This general who represents the US and its administration headed by Hajj Obama is working relentlessly at dismantling the Palestinian society and turning the Palestinians into mere individuals who each of them is concerned about his/her own living. He usually tells his Palestinian clients that his approach and methods are the best way toward the making a Palestinian state, and this state will emerge as Israel becomes convinced that the Palestinians pose no danger to its security. This is not true, and the general is trying to turn Palestinians into Israeli security recruits who finally would rein over a Palestinian entity of collaborators.
Neither the general nor America nor Europe are interested in a truly independent state that has an army and free open borders with the Arab states, but they use the money, the basic needs of making a living to bring the Palestinians to their knees and their basic Arab chastity intruded by their whims. The general is implanting hatred among the Palestinians, and the more they commit themselves to internal feuds and bloodshed, the more success he is assumed to be achieving. And his final objective is to please the Zionists regardless of the sufferings and the agonies of the Palestinians.
The general is joyous for the cooperation he is receiving from many Palestinians, this very joy marks an awful stage in Palestinian history, and it is the embodiment of Palestinian dissolution. If the Palestinians were not divided, if they were not killing each other, if they were not collaborating with their enemy against themselves, if they were honest to their cause this joy would never materialize.
Finally I would like to assure the general that the Palestinians belong to a great nation which is belittled now because of the puppets who are leading, but history is in a state of flux. Things will change. And I am sure that the general is confident that those who betray their country cannot provide security for their enemy.
Mr. Sattar Kassem, Professor of Political Science at Al Najah University in Nablus
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Ahmadinejad's victory greeted by Tehran protests (Reuters)
Looks like there is another claim on foul play in democracy system although this is not like some news that will surprise us here.
But the people should aware of the political policy that they have voted for...
Ahmadinejad's victory greeted by Tehran protests (Reuters)
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Thousands of protesters clashed with police after President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won an election which his reformist challenger called a "dangerous charade."
The protests were a rare direct challenge to Iranian authorities. The result and its violent aftermath raised fresh questions about the direction of Iranian policies at a time when U.S. President Barack Obama wants to improve relations with Iran.
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told Iranians to respect Ahmadinejad's victory, which upset expectations that reformist candidate Mirhossein Mousavi might win the race. Interior Minister Sadeq Mahsouli, an Ahmadinejad ally, declared the president had been re-elected with 62.6 percent of the vote, against 33.7 percent for Mousavi. Mousavi complained of violations and vote-rigging -- allegations rejected by Interior Ministry officials. "I'm warning I will not surrender to this dangerous charade. The result of such performance by some officials will jeopardize the pillars of the Islamic Republic and will establish tyranny," Mousavi said in a statement made available to Reuters.
After the result was announced, thousands of his supporters took to the streets, some chanting, "What happened to our vote?." Others shouted anti-Ahmadinejad slogans. "We are Iranians too," and "Mousavi is our president," they shouted. Police beat protesters with batons as they spread out across the capital. Small fires burned at roadsides.
Though the protests were small compared to the mass demonstrations that led to the 1979 Islamic revolution, they were the most widespread in the city since then.
Khamenei, Iran's top authority, told defeated candidates and their supporters to avoid "provocative behavior." "The chosen and respected president is the president of all the Iranian nation and everyone, including yesterday's competitors, must unanimously support and help him," Khamenei said in a statement read on state television.
Ahmadinejad, in a televised address to the nation, said the election had been "free and healthy."
Iranian and Western analysts said Ahmadinejad's re-election would disappoint Western powers aiming to convince Iran to halt a nuclear program they suspect is aimed at making bombs.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the United States was monitoring the outcome of the election closely and hoped the result reflected the will of the Iranian people.
On Friday night, before official results emerged, Mousavi had claimed to be the "definite winner." He said many people had been unable to vote and ballot papers were lacking.
Ahmadinejad draws most of his support from rural areas and poorer big city neighborhoods. Mousavi enjoys strong backing in wealthier urban centers, especially among women and the young.
(Writing by Myra MacDonald; editing by Janet Lawrence)
But the people should aware of the political policy that they have voted for...
Ahmadinejad's victory greeted by Tehran protests (Reuters)
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Thousands of protesters clashed with police after President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won an election which his reformist challenger called a "dangerous charade."
The protests were a rare direct challenge to Iranian authorities. The result and its violent aftermath raised fresh questions about the direction of Iranian policies at a time when U.S. President Barack Obama wants to improve relations with Iran.
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told Iranians to respect Ahmadinejad's victory, which upset expectations that reformist candidate Mirhossein Mousavi might win the race. Interior Minister Sadeq Mahsouli, an Ahmadinejad ally, declared the president had been re-elected with 62.6 percent of the vote, against 33.7 percent for Mousavi. Mousavi complained of violations and vote-rigging -- allegations rejected by Interior Ministry officials. "I'm warning I will not surrender to this dangerous charade. The result of such performance by some officials will jeopardize the pillars of the Islamic Republic and will establish tyranny," Mousavi said in a statement made available to Reuters.
After the result was announced, thousands of his supporters took to the streets, some chanting, "What happened to our vote?." Others shouted anti-Ahmadinejad slogans. "We are Iranians too," and "Mousavi is our president," they shouted. Police beat protesters with batons as they spread out across the capital. Small fires burned at roadsides.
Though the protests were small compared to the mass demonstrations that led to the 1979 Islamic revolution, they were the most widespread in the city since then.
Khamenei, Iran's top authority, told defeated candidates and their supporters to avoid "provocative behavior." "The chosen and respected president is the president of all the Iranian nation and everyone, including yesterday's competitors, must unanimously support and help him," Khamenei said in a statement read on state television.
Ahmadinejad, in a televised address to the nation, said the election had been "free and healthy."
Iranian and Western analysts said Ahmadinejad's re-election would disappoint Western powers aiming to convince Iran to halt a nuclear program they suspect is aimed at making bombs.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the United States was monitoring the outcome of the election closely and hoped the result reflected the will of the Iranian people.
On Friday night, before official results emerged, Mousavi had claimed to be the "definite winner." He said many people had been unable to vote and ballot papers were lacking.
Ahmadinejad draws most of his support from rural areas and poorer big city neighborhoods. Mousavi enjoys strong backing in wealthier urban centers, especially among women and the young.
(Writing by Myra MacDonald; editing by Janet Lawrence)
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