Saturday, February 7, 2009

U.N. agency halts Gaza imports in dispute with Hamas

GAZA (Reuters) - A major United Nations aid agency said it suspended importing goods into the Gaza Strip on Friday because the Islamist group Hamas that rules the territory had seized supplies for the second time this week.

Hamas denied it confiscated any supplies, saying it was a misunderstanding between drivers due to a lack of coordination

Christopher Gunness, spokesman for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) which supports much of Gaza's 1.5 million population, said Hamas forces had seized 10 trucks loaded with humanitarian supplies on Friday. Two days earlier, Hamas men took blankets and food from an UNRWA store in Gaza.

"The Hamas government must return all of the aid that's been confiscated ... and we have to be given by the Hamas government credible assurances that this will not happen again," Gunness told Reuters. "If it doesn't happen, then we will continue with the suspension of our imports."

U.N. Secretary-General Bank Ki-moon also pressed Hamas to release the aid shipment and "refrain from interference with the provision and distribution of humanitarian assistance", his spokeswoman said.

A Hamas spokesman said two of its members had met the head of UNRWA and were able to "end the crisis", but it was unclear if the agency would return to normal operations.

Gunness said that the aid agency had supplies in reserve and food distribution would be able to continue for days.

Ahmed al-Kurd, welfare minister in Gaza's Hamas government, said the supplies were taken by mistake.

"It was a misunderstanding between drivers," Kurd said. "We have told UNRWA they can come ... and take the goods. For some reason, they did not come."

Humanitarian groups have complained that Israel has obstructed the entry of supplies into Gaza, further stifling reconstruction efforts after an Israeli offensive killed 1,300 Palestinians, left 5,000 wounded and thousands homeless.

UNRWA extended its aid roster following the 22-day Israeli campaign last month to include employees of the Palestinian Authority, which answers to Hamas's rival, President Mahmoud Abbas of the Fatah faction.

The overseeing of aid and reconstruction in the Gaza Strip is a source of friction between Hamas and Fatah, which lost control of the territory to the Islamist group in internal fighting in 2007.

UNRWA was set up in 1948 to provide assistance to Palestinian refugees.

Copyright © 2008 Reuters


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Open Letter from Hanan to Malaysia PM (4Feb2009)

Hanan's another piece...

Subject: Coments about the "SPEECH AT PRESENTING THE TRUE FACE OF ISLAM TO THE WORLD" you gave in Moscow

Dear Malaysian PM, Abdullah Bin Haji Ahmad Badawi,

Referring to your speech text:
Many parts of your speech are very logical and rational. But unfortunately some parts are camouflaging extreme views with moderation like your interpretation of Islam. It is really not important what you think about Islam since all the rest of the world is just thinking the opposite. Can it be that the whole world is "drunk" and lost their wisdom? I'm very sorry to say that the image of Islam these days is created by Muslims and only by Muslims. When a criminal is getting the name of a criminal it is not because the Media was saying that he is a criminal? It is because everyone saw that man doing crimes. and if there are some criminals living that neighborhood, the image of that place is a place of crime even some good people are living there. and when you are passing a street at that neighborhood you are watching well your steps since you don't know who is the criminal and who is the honest. This is the analogy of the image of Muslims. Only Muslims must "repair" that image
because at the end of the day people will avoid passing in their neighborhood.

What are you expecting the western world to think if they see in the media how Muslims are behaving. I'll provide you with some examples:
1) What is the reason for Yemen men to wear a sword on their waist? Is this a view of peaceful people? Is the sword a peace "tool"? Whatever your answer is alike: "tradition", "folklore" "habit" or something else to invent, the truth is that they are wearing the sword for the Jihad opportunity. They are ready for the Jihad by sword any second.
2) Muslims spoiled their own image among themselves and among the west. Just look what Muslims are doing to their own brothers in Gaza. The barbaric Hammas terrorist took over the Gaza street with violence, killing brutally the Fatah members, entering into hospitals and killing wounded Fatah members, throwing them down from tall buildings to their death, tread their own flag and demolishing the monument of the Palestinian unknown soldier (who is a shaheed, a holy soldier who donated his life in the name of Allah).
3) On a daily basis Iraqi Muslims are killing other Iraqi Muslims. Not one per day, tens per day if not more. Is this the civilized Islam? Are the moderate and "good" Muslims ready to educate these people what means Islam Hadhari? Are those people willing to learn? You are speaking about this Hadhari for many years. Beside speaking about it, did you ever tried to be practical and "push" proactively your thoughts? Practice is not meaning to motorize the mouth muscles it means to roll back the sleeves and use some "hands on" to solve the problems. A leader may be (and of course it is recommended) a good speaker, but first of all he must be an excellent practicing performer. Instead of promising, doing, doing and doing.

You said: "WE HAVE DECIDED TO URGE THE MUSLIMS IN MALAYSIA TO ADOPT ISLAM HADHARI OR CIVILIZATIONAL ISLAM AS THE CORRECT WAY OF ADHERING TO THE FAITH". Well, that's very good even discrimination of other religions in Malaysia is still happening and there are some evidences on that which can be proved (but this is not the main issue at the moment). If you are so concerned about what can happen in our world, why aren't you doing something dramatically instead of speaking on the different arenas around the globe on a probably weekly basis. Why aren't you sending out of Malaysia some very good Muslim scholars to Iraq and Gaza to teach them the right Islam? Your leading of the OIC can give you extra advantage to do it. Well, it looks like my words are stupidity since I should be aware that that OIC position is just for honor, speaking, not for hard work.

Do you think that the west does care about your nice speeches about the moderate Islam. The world needs action and see things are getting solved. Let's talk after doing something concrete. Just to compare things, did something improve in the world since you are the PM of Malaysia because of your speeches on an almost weekly basis? Bottom line, what are your achievements since you are in position of PM for the global community. You are asking others to contribute for that peace, but what did you?

You said that Islam is a religion and a way of life of the Muslims. Possibly you are right and the evidence is that there are several Muslim countries that are implementing the Islam law, like your country. That's fine as long as this is an internal affair. Have you heard about Jews? I assume you heard. Do you know that Judaism is a religion and a way of life as well and is a bit elder that Islam? Do you know that the land of Israel was a Jewish kingdom before Islam ever showed up in history? Muslims are tending to distort history and claim Palestine as a Muslim land. Since when is it a Muslim land? any place Muslims are building a mosque is becoming a Muslim land? Any place where Jews are building a synagogue is becoming a Jewish land? Well if Muslims deserve a land for their religion and for their life, then Jews are also deserving a land for their religion and life in the name of human equality. And why not Christians? The coin is not single sided. Why am I saying this?
It is because you are always talking about a dialog between civilizations but never had the courage or wisdom to recognize Israel. It is not only because of the conflict we have with the Palestinians, it is because Israel is a Jewish state and not a Muslim state. In what is Malaysia different from Turkey, Egypt or Jordan? Is Turkey less Muslim than Malaysia, or Jordan, or Egypt? You claim to be moderate but you are in practice extreme. You claim dialog but in practice you are doing it very selectively. what does it mean? It means that some of the people you like and some you don't. No one can enforce you to have dialog with the people you dislike. In the same way you cannot enforce others to have dialog with people they don't like. the western world is not saying it directly, but it is disliking Muslims and some Muslim countries (like Iran). Can you enforce them to have dialog with Muslims?

Anyhow, I'm not that kind of person. I have and strive to have dialog and even deep arguments with everyone, including Muslims worldwide. I'm even trying to have a dialog with you for several years, but I can understand your work overload and your ignorance of my letters is accepted. At least I hope you read them before you throw them away to the trash. since it is written on recycled electrons and not paper, it is even a "green" way to save our planet.

Another thing before I end up this letter and go to bed. The western world is"upset" with Muslims because their contribution to humanity is relatively low. Muslims gave some contribution to humanity in their early days like the Algebra, but since then... On the other hand you may observe in the modern era what is the relatively Jews contribution to science, medicine, literature, philosophy and other fields in relation to their population worldwide. Definitely, we are the people of the book as the Quran is describing it. We are just 13 Million people worldwide and what a contribution? Just compare the number of Nobel awards that were given to Jewish and the awards given to Muslims. The Jews are just 1% comparing to Muslim population and 0.2% to the whole world population. I'm not saying it in order to play arrogant, I'm saying it just because I'm proud of my Jewish people as you are proud of the Muslims.

My weekly epigram ©:
There are two kinds of blood donations. One is to heal humankind in the name of God and the other is to kill humankind in the name of God
Hanan L.



Open Letter from Hanan to Malaysia PM (22Jan2009)

Another piece extracted from Hanan...


Dear Malaysian PM, Abdullah Bin Haji Ahmad Badawi,

First let me cite your statement:

"Malaysia condemns the blockade imposed by the Israelis and the closing of all border crossings between Israel and the Palestinian territory in Gaza. The blockade has exacerbated the already worsening humanitarian crisis in the area and this will cause a humanitarian catastrophe.
The Palestinians have the right of access to food, fuel and medicine. The inhumane action by the Israelis would make the living conditions of the Palestinian people even more unbearable.
The Israeli action contravenes international law and the collective punishment of the innocent civilian population of Gaza is unacceptable under any circumstance.
Malaysia calls on the international community to force the Israelis to lift the blockade immediately and end the sufferings of the people in Gaza. Malaysia also calls on the UN Secretary General to hold an open ended session of the UN Security Council to enable other UN members to participate in the debate on the grave situation in Gaza.

Prime Minister's Office
Perdana Putra
22 January 2008"

Firstly, how do you know that there is a blockade on Gaza? Have you visited that place? Or, your information is from guided rumors supplied by your Palestinian brothers and pro Palestinian and Muslim media? Are you an eye witness of the facts?

Secondly, let's assume that there is a blockade on Gaza by the Israelis. What do you expect us? To supply fuel and electricity to the milling machines that are manufacturing rockets to kill Israeli civilians in Sderot, Ashkelon and the villages around? Are you expecting the Israelis to feed the people that are wanting to slaughter us and voted for a terror organization like Hammas? Instead of using their engineering capabilities to improve their own lives, they prefer to use that skill to design for the kill. They are sainting death instead sainting life and you are the most proactive supporter for that human shame.
As usual, you are always condemning one side for what they are doing and it is the Israeli side. Why aren't you condemning the Hammas and the terrorists which are launching rockets on civilian towns and even on the electricity power station that is feeding them with that electricity? What would you do if Singapore would launch rockets on Malaysian soil and people? Would you feed them with the water and agriculture products?

It is out of a question that Malaysia is treating Israel as the worst enemy of human beings. Are you so sharp in reaction to condemn specifically Muslim terror organizations as you are sharp to condemn the Jewish state? Are you condemning specifically Al-Qaeda? I think that you are wise enough to understand that by doing it (condemning Al-Qaeda) you are risking your own head to be executed by your own Muslim brothers.

I'm sorry to say that your contribution to achieve peace in the world is worthless because you are one sided and all your activities regarding that are just words and more words. Do you think that someone is "counting" any of the statements that are published from time to time except the press? Statements are good for the paper and almost for nothing, but doing things proactively is valuable for people.

You are the last person on earth to teach the Israelis about humanity and equality while your regime is discriminating the Malaysian minorities like the Chinese and Indian minority in your country; and I can prove it in many cases.

I wish I could have an opportunity to have a debate with you on the Israeli-Palestinian issue and may be afterward your opinion will change.

I hope one day peace will rest in our world.

My weekly epigram ©:
There are two kinds of blood donations. One is to heal humankind in the name of God and the other is to kill humankind in the name of God
Hanan L.



Open Letter from Hanan to Malaysia PM (13Jan2009)

This content was posted as a comment in Malaysian blogs by the same author- Hanan who is also being mentioned in our premier official website.
This interesting piece is classified here for easy reading under "Open Letter" tag..

Subject: Comments on your declarations at the special parliament session
(Published on the PM website on 13-Jan-09)

Dear Malaysian PM, Abdullah Bin Haji Ahmad Badawi,
It is not a secret that I'm following constantly (for years) your sayings and declarations about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Every time, again and again you fail to understand properly the root causes and the complicated situation. You get your impression from the one sided media plus your one sided judgment against Israel no matter what the facts are.
You claim that Israel is violating international law by bombardment and devastation in Gaza (reference: Honestly, if it wouldn't be a sad thing, I could think that it is a bad joke. Where have you been and why was your voice so silent when the terrorist extreme Hamas organization launched rockets on Israeli towns and villages full of civilians for 8 years? Those are not to be condemned and not violating the international law? The same law? Israel should be sentenced in the international tribunal, but Hamas not? Oh, Hamas is a charity organization, their Jihad is a saint war which I'm too dumb to understand.

I'll not go into the other statements you said because they are leaning on the same weak straw logically and legally. To be honest, I really don't care much what you say or think since it is not "holding even water".
Just let me provide you some facts you hide from your people:
1) Hamas is using mosques as explosives storage. Mosques are for worship Allah not a stronghold. If it becomes a stronghold it is a legitimate target.
2) Hamas is using civilians and children as human shields. A big "Shaheed" grabs a "Kid-Shaheed". Pure Islamic humanity.
3) The basement of the Gaza hospital is a stowage of explosives, rockets and weapons.
4) Hamas made almost all residence houses as explosive traps against the IDF.
5) Hamas terrorists are robbing the humanitarian supply before it reaches the innocent Gaza civilians. How can it be Muslims are against Muslims? Remember, Hamas is a charity organization...
6) Hamas, same as Malaysia is not recognizing the existence of Israel. Malaysia, Iran, Syria, Hamas and other extreme Islamic countries and organizations are in the same boat. You are not fighting against terror, but supporting terror.
7) Malaysia claims by words that it is fighting against terror. Hamas is a terror organization who is targeting civilians day by day for 8 years. Is Malaysia fighting terror? Can you provide a single evidence how you are doing it?

Please don't teach us (Israel and the Jews) justice if you are not in the honest position to do so, since no one will listen to what you say. Assume the situation of KL being bombarded by rockets for 8 years from any neighbor country like Singapore (10, 20 or 100rockets a day). How would you react? I really don't need your answer since I'm sure what you would do to them.

I would suggest you to study some real facts before jumping into nonsense.
My weekly epigram ©:There are two kinds of blood donations. One is to heal humankind in the name of God and the other is to kill humankind in the name of God

Hanan L.

Hanan, Israel


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chedet's Debate in Hanan Entry

Tun Mahathir vs Hanan Debates on Gaza-Israel issue contiuues..

Most of the comments are compiled & taken around Malaysian blogs (chedet, MalaysiaToday...etc)

It is a very long details & comments made by a lot of parties...Truth will prevail from your reading & realization....

The beginning:

Chedet’s article on Boycott By Dr. Mahathir Mohamad on January 15, 2009 6:10 PM

1. I would like to have the Malaysian Armed Forces attack the United States and Israel.
2. But I don’t think the Government and the MAF would agree with me.
3. So what do we do?
4. We could blockade the United States and deny it food and medicine.
5. The blockade would have to go on for a hundred years. A lot
of innocent people would die. But as Madeleine Albright said when asked whether killing 500,000 Iraqi babies was worth it, she said it was difficult but it was worth it. So Malaysians should not mind killing a few million Americans including babies because although it will be difficult it would be worth it.
6. But I suspect we cannot blockade either.
7. So what do we do? Let the bully do what it likes? But the bully is killing lots of innocent people together with small children and babies.
8. But on the other hand we need to drink Coca-Cola, use the Internet, fly Boeing jets, see Rambo movies etc etc. Can we sacrifice all these simply because babies are being decapitated by Israeli soldiers using highly sophisticated and costly weapons donated by the kind Americans? Of course we cannot.
9. What we can do is totally worthless. We can boycott US products.
10. But can we? Well not completely. Maybe partially. Like not drinking Coca-Cola, or not seeing the latest blockbuster.
11. It is not going to stop the United States from remaining the most powerful nation and continuing to kill people directly or indirectly.
12. But if 10 per cent of the people in the world who drink Coca-Cola stop drinking it there would be some impact. If Malaysians drink, say 50 per cent less Coca-Cola (because their lives depend on it) there would be some impact also. If nothing else it will demonstrate our displeasure with the Americans.
13. But what about the Malaysians working in factories producing coke? I don’t believe they produce only Coca-Cola. They produce other drinks as well. If people switch from Coca-Cola to another drink produced by the same company, then the company will have to produce more of this alternative drink and there would be no need to close down and sack the workers.
14. The idea is to do what we can to show displeasure at what the US is doing. We will not bring the US economy crashing down. It will continue to prosper. But the US and Americans must know how much the world dislike or even hate them.
15. Presently the President of the United States claims “the world respects America for its compassion”.
16. I am appending below an article by Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration.
17. Please read it carefully since you may think as a Muslim I am biased against the United States and Israel.
18. I will be putting on my blog other articles by other people and you can judge for yourselves.

Hanan 1st response on January 24, 2009 12:53AM

By Hanan on January 24, 2009 12:53 AM
Dr. Mahathir,
Very well established a logical basis leaning on an ex Reagan administration that is having microphones and cameras in the Bush administration, Mr. Paul Craig Roberts. You are always collecting the facts not from the first source just from the second hand washed cloth. Of course an anti Jew will look on anti Jew information. You may refer to Al Qaeda humanitarian organization for more information, they have plenty of it.You are saying:
“1. I would like to have the Malaysian Armed Forces attack the United States and Israel.”Oh, great hero. You had the chance to do it while you were the PM in service. Why didn’t you tried out the strength of the Malaysian army and its skills? You had a good chance to become the Muslim hero committing Jihad on the apes and monkeys. To become the Salah ed Din of the modern times. How could you miss that opportunity to demolish both, America and Israel and leaving Iran to do it solely? Oh great rhetoric, do you know how a war looks like?
You care about the babies of Iraq, Palestinians, etc… How lucky we are you don’t need to care about the Jewish children suffering daily rockets from Hamas who is a Muslim charity organization. Oh, their 8 years of rockets in a quantity of thousands were full of candies ammunition that was spreading sweets to the children of Sederot and the Negev.
Since Jews are controlling everyone by proxy, I’m not sure you, Dr. Mahathir are not controlled by them as well. You’ll say that you are not controlled, but I can assure you that I’m controlling you. Can you deny it? Even Malaysia is manipulated by Jews, that’s why they are not attacking the US and Israel. You should check very well among your government ministers and officials and find the Trojan horses there.
You hate Israel not because of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but you hate only because the hatred of Muslims against Jews, the apes and swine. Your hate is not political, but religious. You are just sinking into the modern era darkness.
You said once in one of your speeches that Muslims should use their brains to get rid of 13 Million Jews dominance among 1.3 billion Muslims. Are you a role model? Do you have the wisdom to do it? Do you have the power to do it? Do you know why your plan is not accomplished? It is because it is not true, not logical, unjustified, not because the Jew are controlling the world by proxy. History is stronger than any empire, leader or people. The Jews survived more complicated events then you are planning, so don’t be hoping too much, we survive your approach as well.
Shalom from Hanan, a Jew, Israel.

The response

Tun Dr. Mahathir replied with the dedicated entry entitled: Hanan...on January 27, 2009 5:40 PM

(On Jan 24, 2009, Hanan commented on Boycott - this is my reply)
Dear Hanan,
1. I agree entirely with you that building a great nation doesn’t only take brains, but as you said it sure does help.
2. However brains alone without a heart (feelings) can produce a monster.
3. Israel is undoubtedly a great nation, becoming great through the brains and the numerous achievements you have listed. Yes I have used Israeli originated products like Microsoft Windows and Pentium chips (made in Malaysia) by Intel, an American company.
4. In fact I owe my life ultimately to Israel because there must be something invented by Israelis in the numerous instruments used in heart surgery. However most of the products used were invented and produced by Japanese.
5. I am amazed at the number of Nobel Laureates Israel has produced. I admit we have not produced even one.
6. But when the brain is without a heart it does not care for the misery resulting from the products of the brain.
7. The atom bombs which killed 100,000 men, women, children and babies are the product of Israeli (Jewish) brain. Most of the diabolical weapons now being used to kill millions of people are also the creation of Israelis on Zionist Jews. The depleted uranium and phosphorous shells being used in Gaza are also the product of Israeli brains.
8. The current financial crisis which is destroying the economies of the U.S. Britain and in fact all the countries of the world is due to manipulations of banks, financial institutions and the monetary system by Jewish supporters of Israel.
9. The negation of the freedom of speech when it comes to the alleged killings of Jews in World War II are also inspired by Zionist Jews.
10. But worse of all is the seizure of Palestinian land to create the state of Israel. Not content with the area given to the Jews by the United Nations you have seized more Palestinian land, built settlements on many parts of Palestine, disallowed the use of roads built on Palestinian land to the Palestinians, erected your own check points at the borders of Palestine with Jordan and built your version of the Berlin Wall through Palestinian villages on land that is not part of Israel.
11. Before the creation of Israel, the Jews and Arabs in Palestine lived in peace. Historically Jews had always sought refuge in Muslim countries when the Europeans conducted pogroms against them. This only stopped after the U.S. offered asylum.
12. All the terrorism that we see today, whether state initiated or by irregulars, started after the U.S. backed Israel against Arab attempts to regain their land through conventional wars. Because they were outclassed in terms of weapons by the U.S, / Israel, alliance, then only did the Arabs resort to what is called terrorism. The Israeli response have always been with greater terrorism as is seen in Gaza.
13. I have asked an American what he would do if Texas was given to the Jews to create the state of Israel. He did not answer. But I believe he would fight to get back Texas, employing all the weapons at its disposal.
14. Yet had the United States been willing to create the nation of Israel in the lands under U.S. control or in the U.S. itself, there would be no terrorism in Palestine or in the Middle East. There would be no terrorism in America either because Israel would be wiped out by the U.S. forces. The world would remain peaceful.
15. The brutality committed by your forces in Gaza is out of all proportion to the puny rocket attacks by Hamas. That attack was the result of Israel and the U.S. failing to accept the results of a properly conducted election.
16. Hamas could only establish their Government in Gaza. But you blockaded Gaza, denying them food, medicine, power, fuel etc. If you had not done that I doubt that Hamas would fire rockets at you.
17. Malaysia is well aware that total boycott of Israel is not possible. We are in fact boycotting American products which is an even more impossible task. We would not be able to bring America or Israel down.
18. But what we aim to do is to demonstrate the disgust and the anger that we feel over the inhumanity of the brainy but primitive peoples of Israel and America.
19. You can collect Nobel prizes and other prizes but the world will look down upon you as very primitive people who robbed land through terror against perfidious British and subsequently used your control over the world’s greatest military power to oppress the people whom you had robbed.
20. You have nothing to be proud of, unless of course you take pride in being heartless, in being primitive brutes.
21. The only mitigating factor is the presence among Israelis of a small number who are ashamed of what you have done to the people of Gaza.

The counter by Hanan extrated from the entry's comment

  • Dear Dr. Mahathir Mohamad,

    As I promised you an answer on the challenged issues you raised, I’m glad for the opportunity and your good will to publish it in your blog.

    I’ve read many comments of your supporters. It looks like they are angry and frustrated and feel as same as you feel. I can understand it.

    Despite some of them are insulting me personally (something that I’m trying to avoid), insulting Israel and insulting the Jews, I find it more important to get their understanding about how I see the conflict. I’m forgiving them for their vulgar words in some cases since we cannot judge people during times of anger. So if they have my forgiveness, I think God will forgive them as well.

    You may find my detailed answers after each item number as it is posted by you initially. I hope it will reflect what the other side of the coin looks like and how we see that conflict. At least it is my wish that it will make a step, even a small one towards peace.

    1. I agree entirely with you that building a great nation doesn't only take brains, but as you said it sure does help.

    ---I have nothing to add here since we both agree on that.

    2. However brains alone without a heart (feelings) can produce a monster.

    ---Sure. We have a good example of that like the Nazi Germany. Like the Japanese did to the Chinese during the 2nd WW. Like Saddam Hussein did to his own people for so many years in Iraq and to the Iranians. I’m sure we can find some other examples in the history, but this is not the point towards you are targeting.
    As for my understanding, you are pointing with that saying to Israel and the Jews. Do correct me if I’m interpreting it wrongly.
    At least we can agree that we (all humans of any race or faith) have brains and use them in a way you may like or dislike. As for our hearts they are not different from any Muslim heart or Christian heart and we have mercy on each and every innocent Palestinian that is suffering from that conflict.
    Let me ask you as a father of children. Would you allow your kids to go out and play in the streets when a war is in those streets? Would you allow any armed person to shoot from your home or your courtyard while you are sitting in that home? If they shoot from your home, wouldn’t you escape and save your family members if you cannot enforce those armed people (terrorists) to get out of your property? But Hamas enforced the innocent civilians to stay at their homes and fired from their residence taking into consideration the fact that the IDF will not fire back on civilian residence. Was that Hamas judgment based on the fact they knew we are monsters or more human than they are? Terrorists are terrorists and their aim is more saint than innocent people lives using them as a human shield. Who is in this case using his brain and without the heart? Just an hour ago I watched TV and saw a report that Abed-Allah Siham a nephew of Sayed Siham who was the Hamas minister of interior affairs and security is now treated in the Wolfson Hospital in Israel. This is our monstrous demonizing picture. Why isn’t the RTM showing it as well? If we are heartless and cruel, why should we treat the Hamas minister’s family? But we are not like you are thinking and demonizing us. We use our brains and hearts while discriminating the pure terrorist (the minister) from his family which is innocent. Does a monster have mercy on its enemy? There are a lot of such examples we had during our history in the region.
    The Hamas is using their brains to design their rockets and behave like monsters launching them on innocent civilians for 8 years and the reason may be justified or not (I think it is not justified). A monstrous aim is targeting civilians and Jewish children intentionally like Hamas is doing. We are not targeting innocent Palestinians intentionally. Unfortunately those innocent Palestinians are captured by the monster terrorists as human shields.

    3. Israel is undoubtedly a great nation, becoming great through the brains and the numerous achievements you have listed. Yes I have used Israeli originated products like Microsoft Windows and Pentium chips (made in Malaysia) by Intel, an American company.

    ---It is an honor for me to be able to be a small contributor to one of the products of the Israeli developments you are using. In counter, I have some Malaysian products in my home as well and I’m not feeling upset with it. So we are about in the same position. I’m not boycotting any Malaysian products.
    Just to tell you that I was mentoring three Malaysian students of engineering during their studies despite the fact that there are not any relations between the two countries. We did it via e-mail; chatting and we even met several times. Do you know what their feedback to me was? They said simply that my explanations enlighten their understanding very much. I’m just one person among many other Israelis and Jews who want to share knowledge with other and help as much as we can. In counter we would also other people to enrich us with knowledge in a peaceful mood.

    4. In fact I owe my life ultimately to Israel because there must be something invented by Israelis in the numerous instruments used in heart surgery. However most of the products used were invented and produced by Japanese.

    ---Whatever product you are using, I wish you all the best and long healthy life with God’s blessing. Haha… At least we can continue arguing more.

    5. I am amazed at the number of Nobel Laureates Israel has produced. I admit we have not produced even one.

    ---In this case it must be a goal to achieve one and another one later. No one should give up and excel. We are humans and God blessed us with equal brains and hearts at day of birth (if born healthy). It is to us to excel and practice our intellectual brain cells with continuous challenges. I don’t think you (I mean all of Muslims) have not the skills to be awarded with a Nobel Prize since Islam was the inventor of the Algebra, the most fundamental sophisticated math calculus. It is just a matter of excelling and wanting to do so.

    6. But when the brain is without a heart it does not care for the misery resulting from the products of the brain.

    ---This is a kind of repeating item number two which I already have answered (Item #1).

    7. The atom bombs which killed 100,000 men, women, children and babies are the product of Israeli (Jewish) brain. Most of the diabolical weapons now being used to kill millions of people are also the creation of Israelis on Zionist Jews. The depleted uranium and phosphorous shells being used in Gaza are also the product of Israeli brains.

    ---In this case let’s put some facts on the table which you provided mistakenly. Who was the team in Los Alamos that invented and designed the first American nuclear bombs? None was an Israeli. Among the Manhattan program were several Jewish-American scientists. May be you forgot what the Japanese did to the Chinese and in Malaya during the WWII. How were they monstrous butchers and raping women? What stopped the brutal war against the Japanese were those Atom bombs. I’m not justifying the act of the Americans to throw those bombs on innocent people. That is another argument about a war which is unfair for both sides. But saying that the Jews were the people who killed the 100,000 men, women and children is absurd, unless it is a deep hatred to Jews in the background. Do you have the same mercy on the 6,000,000 Jews murdered by the Nazis in gas chambers and other torture and murdering activities?
    Isn’t the same nuclear science invented by the Jews helping in creation of cheaper energy and electricity? Isn’t it helping in medicine using radioactive Isotopes in order to treat people for their health?
    Do you have any evidences or facts that Israel used depleted uranium shells in Gaza? From where do you get that “official” information? Is it from the newspapers or media or from neutral and official inspectors? Do you have one measured proof of that?
    Yes, the Israeli army was shelling with phosphorous shells according to the restrictions of the International Law. It was mainly used in open spaces. It is at the moment under investigation and when the conclusion will be published then we can comment, not prior that.

    8. The current financial crisis which is destroying the economies of the U.S. Britain and in fact all the countries of the world is due to manipulations of banks, financial institutions and the monetary system by Jewish supporters of Israel.

    ---I don’t know from where you have collected that information. In the same banks are not working Muslims or Christians? In counter I say that the current economical crisis was created by the Islamic Petrol supplying countries when they raised the prices to such a value that caused high costs to the industry that caused less business that caused less ability to pay off loans that cause an economic crisis. It is to blame the Muslims and not the Jews.
    Now who is right and who is wrong? It’s a matter who you ask?

    9. The negation of the freedom of speech when it comes to the alleged killings of Jews in World War II are also inspired by Zionist Jews.

    ---Let me be a bit personal here. I’m a son of parents that are survivors of the holocaust. I know the information from “first hand”, not washed, as is.
    Because of the holocaust I had just one grandmother, not two Grandmothers and two grandfathers to pamper me as a grandson. I had just two uncles of seven possible uncles. Just imagine how many cousins I’m missing. Those murdered Jews of my family haven’t been in a five star Nazi hotel. I feel ashamed that intelligent people like you and the Iranian President (an engineer) has doubt about the truth of the holocaust. It is not a naive speaking about it that it is claimed freedom of speech. It is not more than to insult the Jews by trying to deny the holocaust and re-write the history to comply the justification to wipe Israel of the map. They claim that the holocaust is a myth but with the same tongue they call the Israelis Nazis. This is something not understandable.
    When you say “Zionist” do you know what the definition of that name is? “Zionism” is an international political movement that originally supported the reestablishment of a homeland for the Jewish People in the historic Land of Israel. What is wrong with that? Isn’t Zion the homeland for the Jews? Why can it be the homeland for the Palestinians (which is not for my opinion, but let’s leave it at the moment) and not for the Zionist Jews?
    What I understand that you are discriminating between Zionist Jews and Jews which are not Zionist. So do me with the Palestinians. I discriminate them in two groups. One group of terrorists and the other group are the non terrorist Palestinians.

    10. But worse of all is the seizure of Palestinian land to create the state of Israel. Not content with the area given to the Jews by the United Nations you have seized more Palestinian land, built settlements on many parts of Palestine, disallowed the use of roads built on Palestinian land to the Palestinians, erected your own check points at the borders of Palestine with Jordan and built your version of the Berlin Wall through Palestinian villages on land that is not part of Israel.

    ---The partitioning plan that was accepted by the UN on 29th of November 1947 was rejected by the Arab/Palestinians. When the last British soldier left the land after the termination of the British mandate, the Arabs/Palestinians started a war in order to conquer the whole land and wipe the Jews into the sea. Despite we have been about 600,000 in population against 5 well armed Arab countries (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Iraq) and the Palestinians from inside, we managed to survive the 1948 war. That war against the adopted UN resolution wasn’t ignited by the Jews since we were accepting the partitioning plan. In that war, each side tried to capture its most land it could. The West Bank was captured by Jordan and the Gaza strip was captured by Egypt. The rest of the soil was captured by the Jews. So in this case it was not the Jews who violated the UN decision. After the West Bank and Gaza strip was under Jordanian and Egyptian governing, why weren’t those parts declared as independent Palestinian state? Why didn’t a single Muslim claim then for the Palestinians independence? I tell you why. The Muslims and Arabs wanted to preserve the Palestinian problem just for the purpose to wipe the Jews off the map. If there is not a Palestinian problem, there is no reason to be against the Jews the most enemy of Muslims.
    In 1967 Jamal Abdul Nasser put a naval blockade on the southern port of Eilat by closing the Tiran Straits for ships that their address was Eilat-Israel. In parallel he forwarded his well equipped army with Soviets help into the Sinai Peninsula close to the Israeli borders. He banished the UN truce observers from the Israeli-Egyptian border. He was prepared mistakenly to another war declaring in the media that this time he is intending to wipe Israel off the map. As Israel was threatened by that aggressor and any diplomatic effort didn’t improve the situation, it needed to defend itself from destruction. When the 1967 self defending war started against Egypt in order to remove the blockade and remove the threat of the Egyptian army, Syria and Jordan jumped into the war to help their Egyptian brothers. That war was not against the Palestinians it was a war of three armed countries against Israel as a Jewish state in order to wipe it off the map (a wet dream of our Arab neighbors and Muslims abroad).
    Luckily we defeated all three armies and freed the West Bank and Gaza strip from the Jordanian and Egyptian governing (It was not Palestinian governing). We captured the Golan from the Syrians mainly as a reason to retreat their army away from the borders. As you probably remember, prior 1967 the Syrians shelled our villages and Kibutzes near the border on a daily basis. Farmers couldn’t work in their fields and children were sleeping and playing in shelters. Many people were killed, civilian people, by the Syrian shelling. As Syria jumped into the 1967 war it was an opportunity to teach them the lesson.
    All seized lands were lost by Arabs during war and aggression they committed on the young Jewish state of Israel. If the Jewish state was wiped off the map as the Arabs desire to do so, who would even remember the partitioning plan of the UN? Who would talk about the Jews rights to live in the land of Israel? I’m sure you would celebrate that event as a heroic Muslim win to complete the job which the Nazis didn’t finish.
    Throughout the whole history can you prove a single day of an independent Palestinian state on that land? Who were the president and PM of that independent state? There never was such a thing.
    But, as it was agreed upon previously, we (all of us) have brains and some of us have also hearts, the Jews are ready for compromising and share that land to have two independent states, one Palestinian and One Jewish with a hope that they can live peacefully side by side. For that purpose we need a single voice of the Palestinians to negotiate and abandon violence. Once violence is abandoned, you’ll see that it could be a great achievement for both suffering peoples.
    Just to remind you, the fence we built was against the suicide bombers passing freely from the West Bank into Israeli towns and terrorize, killing innocent people in busses, malls and streets. Thanks God those actions were down severely since the fence was completed. Where there was a legal argument of the fence path, the Palestinians appealed to the Supreme Court of Justice in Israel. In some cases they won the courts judgment and the fence moved to another path.
    We made bypassing roads not because we want to insult the Palestinians. It was because the terror of the Palestinians. There were daily events of shooting on Israeli cars while they passed near Palestinians villages. Many people, mainly civilians were killed on the roads. The bypassing roads saved a lot of lives.
    You say we did this and that but you ignore the reasons why we did it.
    The fence and the roads can be reverted when peace will be settled. Lost lives cannot be recovered.

    11. Before the creation of Israel, the Jews and Arabs in Palestine lived in peace. Historically Jews had always sought refuge in Muslim countries when the Europeans conducted pogroms against them. This only stopped after the U.S. offered asylum.

    ---Israel was created as a state in 1948.
    Let me remind you the peaceful Arabs prior those days. What about the 1929 riots against the Jews during the British mandate? You may find detailed information in that link:
    …and the great peaceful life between the Arabs and Jews during the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine:–1939_Arab_revolt_in_Palestine.
    Can the the Jaffa riots of Arabs against the Jews in 1921 be ignored?
    Arabs couldn’t accept the return of Jews to their homeland after being expelled for about 2000 years.

    12. All the terrorism that we see today, whether state initiated or by irregulars, started after the U.S. backed Israel against Arab attempts to regain their land through conventional wars. Because they were outclassed in terms of weapons by the U.S, / Israel, alliance, then only did the Arabs resort to what is called terrorism. The Israeli response have always been with greater terrorism as is seen in Gaza.

    ---Your terminology about terrorism is different of mine. Terrorism is defined by me upon people or entities that their intention is to kill civilians like Hamas is doing by shelling Sederot which is a civilian town. There is no one soldier that is hiding there in a civilian residence and using the innocent as human shields.
    Israel is not under the definition of terror since it is fighting back with a legal army and thanks God well equipped. Our intention is not to kill civilians as an aim. We are firing back to the Hamas sources of fire that are using their population as human shields. Did you know that the Israeli army called privately by phone the innocent Palestinian civilians in order to save their lives and leave their homes because Hamas is launching rockets, shelling mortars and sniper firing before we bomb that place? What army in the entire world would do that if it is called an army of terror?
    The US is backing the people they think they are right from their point of view and you are backing the people that you think they are right. That’s probably an endless argument of who is right and who is wrong.
    Our sophisticated weapons are an outcome of an essential survival need and not as an intention to kill innocent people. In counter, the Iranian sophisticated weapons they claim they have are for what purpose? Isn’t it to wipe Israel of the map? Isn’t it the sophisticated armor they are smuggling to Gaza for Hamas to help them to wipe the Jews off the map?

    13. I have asked an American what he would do if Texas was given to the Jews to create the state of Israel. He did not answer. But I believe he would fight to get back Texas, employing all the weapons at its disposal.

    ---Why didn’t you ask him about giving the same Texas to the Palestinians to have their state there? And then ask him an additional question: which of the two peoples he would prefer to have in Texas if there is no other choice. I know the answer since I asked another Texan friend that question. Try to imagine what his answer was.

    14. Yet had the United States been willing to create the nation of Israel in the lands under U.S. control or in the U.S. itself, there would be no terrorism in Palestine or in the Middle East. There would be no terrorism in America either because Israel would be wiped out by the U.S. forces. The world would remain peaceful.

    ---I would say it in a different proposal. Let the people that are claiming they are Palestinians return to their tribes in the Arabian Peninsula. They came from there to the empty land of Israel during the spreading of Islam. That land was empty of Jews because they were expelled by the force of the Roman Empire prior Islam was even born. This wasn’t a Muslim territory in Genuine but a Jewish even prior prophet Mohammad was born. There was the kingdom of Shaul, David, Salomon and other kings of the Jews. Not even a single Palestinian was living there during that dynasty of Jewish kingdom. So the Palestinians of today are the grand-grandchildren of Muslim invaders from the Arabian Peninsula.
    Assume you have a home, an asset and you are enforced to leave it. The home stays empty for a long time. After that long time you are returning home and you find that someone lives in it and owns your asset. This is what the Muslims did during the spread of Islam to the land of Israel. They overtook the abandoned land by force with a hope or mistaken assumption that the Jews will never return to their homeland. And when the Jews returned to the land of Israel they become upset and angry since they lived here. The Jews claimed back their homes. The Jews purchased back parts of the land from Muslims legally and paid for it good money. One of the Jews who bought back the peoples assets was Yehoshua Hankin A large part of the lands has been purchased from the Lebanese Sursuk family which is evidence that the land wasn’t any independent Palestinian state. Most of the purchased (legally) soil was covered with swamps infected with the Malaria mosquitoes. The Sursuk family gladly used the “stupidity” of Jews to buy that non fruitful soil for such a high price they claimed from Yehoshua Hankin. Good business. No one was living at the swamps area and the place was abandoned by civilization for hundreds of years. It remained undeveloped until the Jewish pioneers brought that soil back to life.
    How can it be that a sovereign Palestinian state would sell its land to the Jews? What you claim as a Palestinian territory is a distortion of the history and the audience of Muslims believes it since they want to believe it and not because it is true or false.
    So, if the Palestinians will return to the Arabian Peninsula, peace can be established in the Middle East.
    But, we (the Jews) understand that it is not logical to remove people who are living here for a few hundred or thousand years. We just want to get back to our homeland and live side by side with the Palestinian people. We are ready to compromise under an agreement which will be fair for both peoples. Unfortunately, the Palestinians and Arabs were dreaming to wipe the Jews off the map of the Middle East and terrorized the Jews more than 100 years since the Jews came back to claim land for their living here, in their genuine homeland. I don’t think we need to look back too much to the history of anger and frustration of both peoples. We must not continue that anger for the future and a new page must be opened. Both peoples can compromise and find the solution. The goal of Muslims is to encourage the Palestinians to do something to compromise as well as we are encouraging our leaders to keep seeking a compromise for peace. Continuing the violence forever will not gain anything to either side.

    15. The brutality committed by your forces in Gaza is out of all proportion to the puny rocket attacks by Hamas. That attack was the result of Israel and the U.S. failing to accept the results of a properly conducted election.

    ---The brutality wasn’t the IDF’s using of force. The brutality was by Hamas who used the innocent civilians as human shields while knowing that the pictures of killed innocent children may do their war better than being brave and struggle with the IDF soldiers. They made the civilian residences as bomb traps in order to kill the Israeli soldiers. And when Israel bombed the houses from where the Hamas was firing, secondary blasts of those explosives traps increased the injuries and damages.
    Brutality is the use of Mosques as explosives stowage and launching their rockets from there. Once the Mosque is a place from where rockets or mortars are launched or shelled, it is no more a Mosque (under any international law); it becomes a stronghold which is no more a protected place.
    Brutality is the usage of schools and its courtyards as bases of rocket launching while families of innocent Palestinians escaped there knowing that schools are protected places. But if that school is used as a shield for the Hamas terrorists to launch rockets it is not a school any more, it is a stronghold and the responsibility of lost lives and brutality is to blame Hamas.
    Brutality means when a Hamas rocket launching team captures few kids to surround them in order to avoid the Israeli air force to target that rocket team.
    Brutality means no mercy of your own people and taking actions to enforce involvement of innocent civilians in terror.

    16. Hamas could only establish their Government in Gaza. But you blockaded Gaza, denying them food, medicine, power, fuel etc. If you had not done that I doubt that Hamas would fire rockets at you.

    ---You just forgot one (or some) important fact(s). When Hamas established its government in Gaza they removed the Fatah from the offices by force and killed many of them. In addition they violated the agreement upon the border passages control and banished the international border inspectors of the passages and broke the security surveillance control equipment. More than this, they attacked the border passages of Gaza strip killing Israelis and their own innocent people that were there. We can be with tolerance to the innocent Palestinians suffering, but we are not so dumb to let our tolerance to bring us into a situation of recognizing a terror organization committing violence to Israelis.
    It is not true that the Palestinians didn’t have enough humanitarian supplies during the “blockade”. Despite their launching rockets on the Ashkelon electricity power station, that station was continuing supplying electricity most of the time about 75% of their consumption. Fuel vehicles passed from Israel with the needed quantities but not more than this. Vehicles of food supply and medicine were supplied as well when it was needed. Yes it was not a free passage since Hamas used the free passages to do again and again their terror actions against those passages. They did it intentionally to cause Israel to close the passages since it may create the hoo-ha exactly what you are saying here.
    The blockade on the sea was against weapon smuggling from Iranian, Syrian and Hezbollah vessels. Oh, you probably would expect us to help those vessels to unload the weapons and Fajer rockets at Gaza port, directly to the humanitarian Hamas organization.

    17. Malaysia is well aware that total boycott of Israel is not possible. We are in fact boycotting American products which is an even more impossible task. We would not be able to bring America or Israel down.

    ---I can understand that declaration of boycotting as an outcome of frustration and anger and I am able to accept it. It is a kind of a protest against what you think is wrong. I cannot advice you what to do in this case since it is more a kind of emotion and not helping or harming anyone logically.
    Instead of thinking how to make Israel and America to kneel, I would do utmost helping the Palestinian brothers to stand up from the deep misery and use their rocket engineering capability to establish a firm good industry, build a modern infrastructure and build a beautiful resort for tourist on the beach of Gaza. Abandon violence and improve their life standard. When there will be no violence, all borders would be open free and they can enjoy the taste of prosperity. May be the Malaysian car industry Proton can help them by establishing a plant of spare parts fabrication. They are your Muslim brothers and this is a kind of help they are expecting. This is engineering for life, not for misery and death.
    It is required thinking differently, instead of kneeling someone, it is better to make another one to stand up and build a better life.
    If I make the analogy of resistance it terms of electricity, sometimes resistors are burned due to the over current flow. So resistance cannot be too massive since it may burn itself. Too violent resistance will become a self destruction.

    18. But what we aim to do is to demonstrate the disgust and the anger that we feel over the inhumanity of the brainy but primitive peoples of Israel and America.

    ---The terminology of primitive behavior is not equal for both of us. I don’t think the behavior of Israel or America is primitive just because you have anger. Let’s say I’m angry about what you say on Jews. Does it mean you are primitive while you use your brainy thoughts and sharp tongue saying that? You may dislike things, but disliking things or people cannot make them primitive. It is two different things.
    Demonizing people as Malaysia’s government is demonizing Israel is primitive!

    19. You can collect Nobel prizes and other prizes but the world will look down upon you as very primitive people who robbed land through terror against perfidious British and subsequently used your control over the world's greatest military power to oppress the people whom you had robbed.

    ---Actually the robbers of the land are the Palestinians as I mentioned in my answer before (item #14). They did it at an ugliest way while the genuine land owners were out of their homeland. So who is primitively behaving? It is primitively done like animals are stamping their territory.
    We are not against your trying to collect Nobel prizes. From the comments of some Palestinian and Muslim people I can learn that they are sharp in mind and tongue. Muslims invented the Algebra, so there is no obstacle for them to collect Nobel prizes as well. I’ll be the first to salute them for that.
    I say that Muslims are controlling the world with their petrol force and not the Jews are doing it. With that force they enforce the UN to condemn Israel again and again justified or not justified. They did it so many times, so that the UN resolutions are no more relevant for anyone and become an arena of hypocrites. Is Iran complying to stop their nuclear program as it was requested? The control of the Muslim petrol created a declaration of the general assembly about Zionism is defined as racism. So how can you say that we are controlling countries? It is no more than mismatching facts to have an excuse to wipe Israel and the Jews off the map.

    20. You have nothing to be proud of, unless of course you take pride in being heartless, in being primitive brutes.

    ---Dear Dr. Mahathir, we are proud in our humanity and contribution to all peoples. We are not arrogant because other people need our help. There is a difference between the word proud and the word arrogant. Muslims tend to think we are arrogant as a nation. There might be arrogant people everywhere and even among Muslims. Aren’t you proud of flourishing Malaysia? Same is with the Israelis, we are proud with our achievements despite the complexity of our life. How can you say we are heartless while we provide medical help to our enemies in cases when their hospitals are not with those special capabilities for the treating? I’m not looking for your sympathy, but expecting to bring all facts and the true facts onto the table of discussion.

    21. The only mitigating factor is the presence among Israelis of a small number who are ashamed of what you have done to the people of Gaza.

    ---I have mercy on the innocent people of Gaza, but not because Israel was doing wrong. It is because the Hamas was doing wrong. They brought their own brothers backward with their terror which they call resistance. I’ve already mentioned what can happen to a resistor when a massive current overflows through it – it simply burns itself.
    I have no mercy on the Hamas activists and terrorists. They deserve their own brothers’ anger as the root cause of their misery.
    Israel is ready to help the Palestinians when they establish their own independent state and I’m not ashamed about it at all.

    Dear Dr. Mahathir, In addition I have some more questions for you:

    1) Have you read the Hamas charter and especially with the items hereby?

    · Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it." (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).

    · "The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Muslim generations until Judgment Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. "

    · "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors."

    · "The Day of Judgment will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Muslim).

    2) Do you agree with the Hamas charter?
    3) Do you think that the Jews deserve to have an independent Jewish state in the land of Israel (Palestine in your terminology)?
    4) Do you think that wiping the Jews off the map from Israel can be achieved?
    5) Do you believe the Islamic Terror from Hamas and other militant groups can achieve peace?

    Thank you very much for the opportunity to make your blog website “more spicy” and increase its popularity.

    Hanan, Jewish and Israeli Zionist.

Further published by Hanan based on comment from the readers in chedet blog:

By Hanan on February 1, 2009 3:24 PM
I liked what SUNLEE wrote.
This was my intention when I started to comment on the Malaysian blogs including that popular one.I wanted to have your attention to have a new way of thinking.I'm not saying that everything Israel is doing as the most right thing. We are doing mistakes. No one is purified in justice and is making also mistakes.The whole conflict is based on misunderstanding and mistakes.Despite that many people are insulting me here with very humiliating words and a jargon that is not relevant to an open and civilized discussion; I'm not escaping from it and not hiding. However it is very hard for me to read all comments, I can observe the overall mood and understand it very much.Yes, opening a new page means to look at ourselves in the mirror and ask what we have done to remove fuel from the fire. This is not just a regional Palestinian-Israeli fire. It is a fire that burns the brains and hearts of every one, Muslims, Christians, Jews or whatever the faith and race is.I came here to establish a dialog by raising my view point of the situation and trying to open your eyes of how we see it. I got very well the impression of your standpoint. Entrenching our strongholds of our opinions is extending the gap and sharpening the knives. Every one of us should exchange his hat with the other side and try to think what wood he/she would do in the opponent’s position in order to survive and promote its new interests. But prior to that he/she must come with the past history in background but not blocked to listen and review new ideas. Utmost, there must be a readiness to compromise, to be moderate, not radical, and not extreme.We all can believe in the history as we know it (true or false - depending on which side you are); this is not helping the problem solving process and widening the gap. People must come to the table with the willing to put an end to the suffering of the Palestinians and the Israelis, to end the hatred between Muslims and Jews. By pouring more fuel into the hatred fire is not doing it.
Nobita wrote:"Dear Hanan,
I hope you're reading this. It seems a great effort of yours in order to make a score in the debate. Tun Mahathir however scores a lot of points in just 2-3 sentences. That's why his blog is so popular. He writes with facts precisely and clearly straight to the point. Maybe you can learn this from his writing.
Best, United Kingdom."
The win of a debate is not measured in terms of days, weeks, months or years. It is a long Marathon run and I'm not sure that what you observe today will be what you'll observe tomorrow. What Dr. Mahathir wrote is acceptable by you but not firmed on a hard ground. Those are just sentences of anger and frustration (and I fully understand that). In counter my detailed answers with facts is not measured in "anger values or scale". You may not accept what I wrote (and this is also accepted). My answers were only to show you the other side of the coin which you don't know and were brainwashed for so many years to hate Israel and the Jews more than love your Palestinian brothers. I can prove it, but it may require a different debate issue.I totally agree with Dr. Mahathir that he told you and taught you to think and sometimes you need to think differently, out of the box. Not always the main stream thinking is the right one. It includes us as well not only you. Sometimes it is required a brainstorming to start thinking out of the box and not like a herd. For that purpose a dialog is required, not anger, not boycott.So, winning a debate is what everyone is thinking about it and the achieved results at the end of the day. Achieving more anger is not winning a debate as I can think of.Every one of us must ask himself/herself every morning what he/she has done to promote peace on humanity, including me!I think I'm doing it (which sometimes people on the other side dislike). I don't care of being humiliated or insulted as long as I believe that I'm doing the right thing.
Shalom,Hanan, Jewish and Israeli Zionist.

By Hanan on February 1, 2009 4:25 PM
As you may see, the morning has broken and some people wake up and didn't look into the mirror asking themselves what can they do in order to calm down and promote peace.
Read this:,7340,L-3664761,00.html
Israel decided to ceasfire and let the Palestinians to heal their wounds and rebuild Gaza.You may blame Israel after we may react on that but Hamas should be blamed by driving the cart to a deep gulf.You may refer to the anger of commentators below the report. Is this the rockets intention? If yes, then we need to live on our swards forever and the peace olive boughs will wither.
Hanan, Jewish and Israeli Zionist.

By Hanan on February 3, 2009 4:46 AM
To senzakidaisuke,
As hitler is your role model to follow, I would be the bad Jew.
This is something Rami Kaminski, MD, wrote recently. It will answer all those people like you with distorted brains like yours.
Long Live Bad Jews!
Why I Am a Bad JewRami Kaminski, MD,
For centuries, we lived in Berdichev. In the brutal Ukrainian winter of 1941, SS soldiers arrived there and rounded up eighty-seven members of my family, babies, young adults, octogenarians, stripped them naked, marched them to a nearby ditch, and executed them. Their lifeless bodies fell silently into a mass grave.During their two millennia in the Diaspora, Jews were not known to resist. There are few recorded instances in which Jews turned against their host nations or retaliated against their murderers. Instead, the survivors if there were any were expelled or left for another place. The murdered were regarded as good Jews. They accepted their fate helplessly, without resistance.
This narrative of the Jews has played out on the historical stage with boring monotony: Jews get killed because they are Jews. Nothing novel about it. After the Holocaust, however, the world, disgusted by this particularly ghoulish period of history, accorded some sympathy for the Jews.
Media commentary about the ongoing Gaza War reveals the world has now reverted to its pre-Holocaust perspective. Today, the only good Jew is a powerless Jew willing to become a dead one. The Zionist Revolution is to "blame". It changed everything. Jews re-created their own country. The Arabs attacked the new Jewish state the day after independence and promised to complete Hitler's genocide. In succeeding decades, the Arabs attacked again and again. Strangely, the Jews, many of them refugees from Arab nations, adopted a surprising, new tactic: they fought back.With Zionism, the Jews stubbornly refused to follow the centuries-old script. They refuse to be killed without resistance. As a result, the world has become increasingly enraged at their impertinence.
The recent events in Gaza and Mumbai make this plain. In 2005, Israel eliminated all Jewish presence in Gaza making it Judenrein and handed it over to the Palestinians. Left behind were synagogues and thriving green houses. The Arabs looted and destroyed them literally the day after Israel 's withdrawal was complete. Where these structures once stood, the Palestinians built military bases and installed rocket launchers to shell Israeli civilians. To date, some 7,000 missiles have fallen on Israeli cities and towns, killing and maiming dozens, and sowing widespread terror. Medical studies reveal nearly all Jewish children in the communities bordering Gaza suffer from serious, trauma-induced illness.
The Gazan Palestinians then elected Hamas to lead them. Hamas proceeded to kill or imprison their political rivals, and its leaders, true to the Hamas charter, were unabashed in clearly stating their aims: they will not stop until they achieve their Final Solution, kill all the Jews, take over the land of Israel , and establish a theocracy governed by Islamic law.
As killing Jews for being Jews has been a national sport for centuries, Islamic militants are justified in believing they are merely fulfilling historical tradition in Argentina, India and Gaza. Surely the Jews in Mumbai did not occupy Gaza. They were tortured and killed just for being Jews. And predictably, in the eyes of the world, they immediately became good Jews, just like my murdered family in Bertishev.
Good Jews would wait until Hamas has weapons enabling its members to achieve their ultimate goal of absolute mass murder. Those enraged by Israel's defensive military action insist Hamas uses only crude rockets, as if Qassams were BB guns, and military inferiority were somehow equivalent with moral superiority. In fact, Hamas now has Iranian-supplied Grad missiles which have landed on Beer Sheva and the outskirts of Tel Aviv.
Westerners have had only sporadic exposure to the indiscriminant killing in the name of holy war which Israel has lived with for years. Memories of 9-11, Madrid , and London have dimmed. This is not because the Islamic militants made a careful choice of weapons. They simply have not yet acquired nuclear bombs. Once they do, the West will develop a less detached view about the Islamists professed intentions for the infidels.
The only enlightened people in the civilized world who actually get it are the Israelis. They ve not had time for detached philosophical ponderings. They ve been too busy confronting the reality of Islamic fundamentalism.
Soon, Iran will have nuclear weapons. It will give them to Hezbollah and Hamas. Today, Jews must take a position: either be "good" Jews willing to be slaughtered without resistance, or be bad Jews who defend themselves at the cost of being pariahs of our enlightened world. Good Jews would wait for another six million to be murdered, and pick up to leave for another country to start the cycle again. The bad ones refuse to go calmly into the ditch.
I confess: I'm a bad Jew!-------------------
Rami Kaminski, MD, is Director and Founder of the Institute for Integrative Psychiatry in New York, a not-for -profit organization aimed at evaluating current psychiatric services and how they integrate with medicine, such as the mutual effects between medical and psychiatric conditions. Prior to that, Dr. Kaminkski was the Commissioner's Liaison to Families and Community and Medical Director of Operations at the New York State Office of Mental Health. Dr. Kaminski also holds an academic position as Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia University. He earned recognition in 1990 from Mt. Sinai Hospital as Physician of the Year, and received the Exemplary Psychiatrist Awards from the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill. Dr. Kaminski 's research explores neuropsychiatric aspects of brain disorders, such as Alzheimer and Parkinson's disease and movement disorders, as well as psychopharmacology of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. He was for many years Director of The Schizophrenia research Unit at Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC. Dr. Kaminiski also served as the Medical Director of the PMHP and consultant to the committee in charge of developing the Special Needs Program.________________
Hanan, Jewish and Israeli Zionist.

Another comment posted from Israel reader

By Alon on February 3, 2009 1:27 AM
Dear Dr. Mhathir,The problem of the Arab world has obviously become the problem of the Muslim world. I watch amazed as educated people like yourself easily fall down to promoting such concepts as expressed in your item list. This kind of insiting beliefs had existed through out history and mostly in times of crisis. You are bashing the jews, although this conflict is about Israel and Pleastine. You are bashing Israel although 20% of Israelis are Muslim like yourself and some even serve in the Israeli Army. How is bashing Israel or the US help to promote understanding and peace? You believe you know the facts from half a world away, but as an Israeli let me tell you that I have to live the facts day by day, not hear about them second hand. You do not have to live with the grieve and agony over your best friend's 3 year old girl that was murdered by a Plestinian "Shaheed"/"Freedom Fighter" entering her own home and shooting her in the head just because she was a jewish child. There are houndred of such murder attempts which are being toppled each week however I am sure you do not hear, nor seeked for them. So, If I am a heartless monster, like you say, how come my heart is weaping? If I am a monster for doing every thing in my power to protect my children from the rightrous brutality of the ones that call them selves "Shaids" and call upon my destruction- then let it be so. But this monster of yours has never cheered for the death of inocents like Muslim all over had in Spet 11. I deeply weap when Plestinian children get hurt when caught in cross fire - They are not to balme. However I dont forgive those who put intentional murder as a goal for their "Holy War" no matter what their cause is.
Thanks from me and from all my good Malay friends sharing similar feeling but are intimidated to express them in open.
Alon, Israel.