Chedet new post on Palestine issue generated another wave of discussions & debates from various audience including the infamous- Hanan from Israel.
Compilation of Hanan's entry is attached below to ease your reading...
Dear Dr. Mahathir,
May Allah bless you.
I’m providing my comments attached to the line items as you posted them.
You and all the fans here should interpret my comments somehow as “extreme” just to emphasize the Israeli and Jewish point of view (as I understand it). It is not in order to pour any provocation or humiliation to anyone personally or as a group. My intention is to provide the different perspective as I see it.
My intention is opposed to war – it is to create peace. It is just to show you that there is no other option to end the bloody war – just compromising and good will. If our intention is not that, then probably the war will exist forever. Is this what we want?
Dear Dr. Mahathir, you still have the power to “move mountains” because people are listening to you and respecting you. Your word is very well listened in the Islamic world. You are a potential lever for peace and I’m personally expecting and hoping for it. War is enough… and enough is enough! Let us cherish peace rather the anger of war. Everyone must sacrifice some personal honor, admit mistakes. This is the only way we can start a new beginning.
I’m not intending to continue any arguments with other people in that blog since it will not gain the expected result. The reason is not because I don’t want to have arguments. It is because this is consuming a lot of time resources for me to answer everyone and this is not my main job in life, however it is very important.
If you feel free to argue or even humiliate me, I’ll know exactly how to filter out what is relevant and what nonsense are. I’m always taking some lessons from what you say here and I hope it is a mutual thing.
BTW, I found an interesting blog spot (not mine) that is collecting interesting information you may explore. It includes some of my comments.
Other side of a coin...
2. In my opening speech I stressed that the war in Palestine is not a religious war between Islam and Judaism. It is a territorial war resulting from the European powers carving out a slice of Palestinian land in order to create the State of Israel.
This is a war from both aspects. It is absolutely a territorial war which its background is religious. The Jews are claiming that land as their homeland and the Palestinians are claiming it as an Islamic Waqf asset.
Palestinians are not the genuine natives of that land. They are the posterity of Arab tribes that invaded to the empty land of Israel from the Arabian Peninsula during the spreading of Islam.
Malays are Muslims (the majority). What is their language? Is it Arabic or Malay? Turks are Muslims. What is their language? Is it Arabic or Turkish? The same is with other Muslim countries except those are surrounding the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa which was the initial Muslim world. So was Palestine. All those speaking Arabic countries were influenced by the invading tribes from the Arabian Peninsula.
What language was spoken in the Land of Israel prior the Islamic invasion of Arab tribes from the Arabic Peninsula? Let me remind you. When Jews lived there, before they have been expelled by the Romans, they spoke Hebrew. Hebrew was their Biblical language and during all their kingdoms of Israel and Yehuda.
Now, Jews everywhere in the world have their fundamental knowledge of Hebrew and the language of the place where they live. Why are their basic roots in the Hebrew language? Because they bear it from their day one when Judaism was established and they got the Torah which its genuine language is Hebrew. Jews spoke many languages in their Diaspora times where they lived but never forgot their native language which is chained to the Land of Israel. Hebrew is the language Jews are praying wherever they are. Have you asked yourself why? To which geographical part is Hebrew chained? English is chained to England, French to France, the Palestinians are speaking Arabic because their genuine roots are the Arabic Peninsula. Malays speak Malay because their roots are in Malaya. Muslims are praying in Arabic because the roots of Islam are in the Arabian Peninsula. Jews are praying in Hebrew because their roots of Judaism are in the Land of Israel.
Therefore the land was belonging to Jews prior any Muslim was even born including Prophet Muhammad. …And don’t tell me that the Philistines are the Palestinians since this is a real joke.
3. It is grossly unjust for the Europeans to solve their Jewish problem by taking land belonging to the Arab Palestinian to give to the Jews for their homeland. It is grossly unfair that they should transfer their problem to the Arabs.
The European’s did what it was the proper thing to do. Since Europe is not the Jews homeland and they understood well that the Biblical Land of Israel is the only homeland for Jews, they helped the Jews to return home. They didn’t transfer the problem to the Arabs. It is the Arabs who created it as a problem. Everyone has the right to return to his homeland and we returned. What do you think, expelling someone from his home by force means erasing its homeland roots? Now, I know that many of you will jump and raise the issue of the Palestinian refugees. Since Those Palestinians roots are Arabic roots, they should be settled back in any Arab country. But if it will be a two country solution they may live in the Palestinian state.
4. The participants at the forum represented all races, belonging to all religions. There were ethnic European Christians, Chinese Catholics, Hindus, Sikhs, Malay Muslims, Arab Muslims, Chinese Buddhists and many others.
Was there any Jewish representative? Dr. Mahathir, you said that it is a territorial conflict and now you are emphasizing about religious representatives. If it is a territorial conflict then, who represented the Zionist side? Was it a one sided forum? Was it a forum of the saint people against the monsters without letting even a single monster to be there? Who are many others? Can you specify particularly? “Many others” is a blur definition.
5. They came together because they were moved by the human tragedy that is happening in Gaza, Palestine. That the Palestinian Arabs are mostly Muslims did not lessen the feeling of sympathy felt by the participants.
I agree that it is a real tragedy that happened to the Palestinian people in Gaza. Every innocent who is killed is like killing an entire world. Dr. Mahathir and those forum participants – where have you been when rockets killed Israeli Jews and non Jewish during 8 years? No sympathy? Jews lives are not as valuable as the Palestinians lives? Hypocrisy is the definition of that forum.
6. Two doctors from Jordan were present. They had gone to Gaza to show their sympathy and brotherhood and to help treat the casualties. They were not prepared to see the carnage caused by Israeli attacks.
What about the carnage of Jews by suicide bombers exploding in busses, streets and malls? Where were those two Jordanian doctors? Every one pains his relatives’ pain. Jews are crying for Jews and Muslims are crying for Muslims. Violence is not one sided but Muslim hypocrisy is one sided. No Muslim said even “I’m sorry about lost innocent Jews lives” while the Zionist Israel is regretting for innocent killed Palestinians that were used as human shields by the charity organization of Hamas.
7. The Israeli forces appeared to be using new kinds of shells and bombs which exploded after bouncing off the ground hurling sharp metal shrapnel which cut deep into the bodies of the victims.
Dear Dr. Mahathir, have you asked yourself or anyone else what is the content of a Grad or Qasam rocket? May it be full of candies? The Hamas rockets contain even more painful shrapnel as small steel balls from dismantled ball bearings - thousands of them. They contain nails, screws, nuts and metal debris. Isn’t it killing people - But cuts in Muslim flesh pains more than cuts in Jews flesh? That forum of hypocrisy is a double standard.
8. Many had their arms and legs severed by the shrapnel, while others died when the shrapnel cut deep into their bodies and organs.
The Jewish children who were killed from the Qasam rockets died just in their sleep, dreaming about the candy container of that rocket. Did they die in their sweet dreams?
9. One man was saved because the shrapnel cut into a small Quran he had in his pocket but stopped short of his chest.
If that man would be a Jew and in his pocket was the Psalms Book which was saving his life, would any Muslim mention it? It is really a miracle and may God bless that saved man to have long life. There is a Jewish proverb: “Who saves a single life is as he saved the whole universe”.
10. Phosphorus bombs scattered white phosphorus all over the victims. The phosphorus sticks to the body and burn as long as there is oxygen in the air. It burns through the skin, through the muscles and through the bones. It is impossible to remove the phosphorus without cutting deep into the tissues and bones.
In Gaza was a volunteer Italian doctor working in one of the hospitals. He wanted to see those special burns or phosphorus burns of the wounded, but he was refused. Why?
Yes, Israel used phosphorous bombs, but complying with the international law used in open areas to neutralize explosive traps. It was not against humans. This is another lie from the pro Palestinian/Muslim media.
11. The pictures of decapitated bodies, shrapnel severed arms and legs were horrifying. The surgeons had to operate on stretchers with several operations going on in one room at the same time. There was blood everywhere and yet there was no blood for transfusion.
Yes, this is really a horrible view. But who are the culprits? Isn’t it the Hamas with their daily rocket launching for eight years? Dear Dr. Mahathir, what would you do if KL is bombed the same for eight years? Would you extend your other cheek to be slammed? Hamas is the culprit for all that suffering of innocent people on both sides.
12. The video also showed Israeli men and women being interviewed. They were quite hysterical, shouting and demanding that the Palestinian children should be killed as they, the Israeli women had lost their children because of rocket attacks by Hamas.
Why you aren’t so shocked about all Muslims shouting in the streets “Itbakh al Yahood” (slaughter the Jews)? Why aren’t you shocked when a suicide bomber is killing 20 Jews in a bus and the Palestinians are celebrating like barbarians in Gaza streets and donating candies to everyone? This is the Muslims hypocrisy. The Muslims lives are saint and Jews lives=zero. Jews are apes and swine, even not an animal classification for Muslims.
13. The Gaza attacks exposed the horror of modern warfare. No one is spared. The town of Gaza is reduced to rubble and bodies were strewn everywhere. Children were buried under the rubble of fallen buildings, with only their dead heads visible. There were burnt bodies of babies.
Dear Dr. Mahathir, let me ask you honestly. Do you think if the situation was opposite and we lose the war, our cities would look differently? Would a single tear drop drip from your eyes? All Malays would have a carnival, dancing and screaming as barbarians “Allah hu Akbar”. Jewish women would be raped and the remaining men and children would be slaughtered.
14. Professor Gurdial Singh spoke about how Israel could be tried by an International War Crimes Court.
Let’s see what will happen with that. Hamas will face the same tribunal soon.
15. Then it was question time. An Englishman voiced his anger that the pictures of the atrocities were not made public in the United Kingdom. He wished that the Jordanian doctors could give their briefings together with the pictures in London.
It would be interesting initiative, but to confront the case with the other side as well.
16. Responding to the remarks, Professor Michel Chossudovsky pointed out that the Western media is owned by a small number of people and they control the news contents. They were obviously pro-Israel and their policy is to promote the Israeli cause against Palestine and Muslims in general.
The Al-Jazeerah, BBC, SKY, CNN, French TV are almost Zionist media but always show the Palestinians side much more than the Israeli side. This is called promoting Israel. It is interesting how you saw in Malaysia all those brutal activities of the Zionists. Does RTM have a representative journalist in Israel (may be, but I don’t know)? Al-Jazeerah is funded by Qatar Zionists Jews, isn’t it?
17. Many of the questions asked showed strong sympathy for the Palestinians. The questions were from all races and religions.
Was it just sympathy for the Palestinians lost lives and wounded? No one asked questions about the minor lives of the Israelis during eight years of rockets? Aren’t you a humanitarian forum based on a non religious approach? Oh, it is usual in Islam that the Jews worthless people should be the major victims, but now it is not meeting the expectations. That’s bad, very bad.
Do you have the list of races and religions represented in that forum? Who was the representing Jew there? Again, you are talking about a forum of religions while you claim a territorial conflict. Isn’t it a mismatch of definition?
18. Then a young Arab man took the floor. The first thing he said was to emphasise that the Palestinian war is a religious war. Muslims must support the Palestinians because of their faith. There can be no two ways. The Arabs must fight a holy war against the Jews. They must fight because the Jews are the enemies of the Muslims, of the Arabs.
That Arab is so right – the war is really a religious from the Muslims perspective, including you Dr. Mahathir. But you are trying to camouflage it as a territorial one. That Arab means a Jihad like is written in the Quran:
• Al-Ma'idah (The Table Spread) - (Arabic)
5:82 Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, "We are Christians": because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant.
لَتَجِدَنَّ أَشَدَّ النَّاسِ عَدَاوَةً لِّلَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ الْيَهُودَ وَالَّذِينَ أَشْرَكُواْ وَلَتَجِدَنَّ أَقْرَبَهُمْ مَّوَدَّةً لِّلَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ الَّذِينَ قَالُوَاْ إِنَّا نَصَارَى ذَلِكَ بِأَنَّ مِنْهُمْ قِسِّيسِينَ وَرُهْبَانًا وَأَنَّهُمْ لاَ يَسْتَكْبِرُونَ
• Al-Ahzab (The Confederates) - (Arabic)
33:26 And those of the People of the Book who aided them - Allah did take them down from their strongholds and cast terror into their hearts. (So that) some ye slew, and some ye made prisoners.
وَأَنزَلَ الَّذِينَ ظَاهَرُوهُم مِّنْ أَهْلِ الْكِتَابِ مِن صَيَاصِيهِمْ وَقَذَفَ فِي قُلُوبِهِمُ الرُّعْبَ فَرِيقًا تَقْتُلُونَ وَتَأْسِرُونَ فَرِيقًا
Or like Hamas wrote it in its charter:
• Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it." (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).
• "The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Muslim generations until Judgment Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. "
• "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors."
• "The Day of Judgment will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Muslim).
19. I felt uncomfortable, as there were many non-Muslim supporters of the Palestinians in the audience. Making the Palestinian war as a religious war seem to reject the sympathy and support of the non-Muslims.
So finally it is a religious war but you put on the mask of the territorial conflict just to find the sympathy of the non-Muslims supporters. Isn’t this hypocrisy? When you among Muslims it is a war of Muslims against the Jews and when in the audience there are some non-Muslim you are doing it in a more gentle manner and defining the war as territorial. To which of your sides should I believe?
20. A Chinese Catholic got up to reply that he has full sympathy for the Palestinians who had lost their land, who had been driven out of their country to live as refugees. He thought that the Palestinians were unjustly treated and the Israeli killings of the Palestinians were against all humanitarian values. He did not see it as a religious war but a war against injustice and oppression.
I respect his opinion. I have in my “arsenal” another Chinese Catholic which says the opposite. What is this proving? Is that Chinese Catholic or that I know, masters of judges? Can they judge what is justified or not? What would he say if he was living for one day in Sderot or surviving a bus explosion by a Hamas suicide bomber? Any violence and killing is against humanitarian values. He doesn’t see this war as religious because he is not involved in it and because you said in your preface that it is a territorial one. If he would be thinking more deeply he would acknowledge that it is a religious war of Muslims against the sinners, where the Jews are chapter one and the crusaders (Catholic and Christians) are chapter two according the Quran commandment. Not mentioning the pagans in the queue of the jihad.
21. I was depressed by the attitude of the young Arab. It seems he was moved only by the hatred of the Jews. On the other hand the demand of the Israeli woman to have Palestinian children killed also exposes her bitter hatred of the Palestinians.
This is true. I’m also depressed about such attitudes just because we are angry on each other. We must find a solution to avoid anger and hatred. We must think differently. I’ve already wrote it in my last letter to you. We must open a new page between the religions and between the Israelis and Palestinians.
22. This is wrong. Of course enemies must hate each other. But that must not be the reason for the war. Actually it is a product of the war.
Dear Dr. Mahathir, you are so right. Yes, that hate is now sprouting new generations with greater hate. You, as a father and grandfather of children and grandchildren, me as a father of two sons – what are we doing to raise our children to avoid hatred? We must change our education for compassion among humans without any differences of races or religion. This will avoid war.
Hatred and anger brings more hatred and anger. Love and compassion brings more love and compassion. Unfortunately the second option is much more difficult to achieve. That spinning wheel of hatred is spinning faster and faster. We must stop it. Each and every one of us should step a small step forward. The first step is to be equal with our mercy on people, Palestinians, Israelis, Malays, Bosnians, Africans, no matter who they are or their faith. It is unfair to kill innocent Palestinians but in the same time it is not fair to kill Israelis. We don’t need to measure the casualties as numbers since everyone who is killed is an entire world.
23. The real reason for the war is the seizure of Palestinian land to create the state of Israel. The objective of the Palestinians should be the re-conquest of the lost land, including removal of the settlements set up by the Jews. The whole war must be directed with this objective.
Why do you think that only a war is the only solution? The historic seizure of the Land of Israel was by Muslims during their expansion from the Arabian Peninsula. The Arabian tribes are the Palestinians of today and that land is not belonging to them. It is a stolen Jewish land by Arabs.
The objective should not be a war but a solution for two states for both peoples. An organization like Hamas is not a partner since they are not recognizing the rights of Israel to exist and Jews to live in Israel. Once they accept the existence of an Israeli state – they are partners.
24. What I realised when the young Arab vehemently declared that the war is a religious war was that the war would have no end. The objective was to kill Jews because of their religion.
I think that the young Arab understood very well the situation. Dear Dr. Mahathir, I believe you are thinking as same as that young Arab (maybe I’m wrong; and if I’m wrong I apologize) but you felt non comfortable just because of the non-Muslim guests. That young Arab is just following the commandment of the Quran about the Jews (refer the verses above).
25. On the Jewish side it is the same. They want to kill and destroy the Arabs because they hate the Arabs. That explains their brutality, their targeting schoolchildren, babies and old people. That also explains the diabolical weapons that they use, not just to kill but to cause as much pain and disfigurement as possible.
I think that this assumption of you is wrong. We don’t hate the Arabs. If we would hate the Arabs would we allow the remaining Arabs live among us in the borders of Israel? If we hate the Arab children, would we treat them in our Zionist hospitals? If we hate the Arabs, would the hospital in my hometown (a Zionist hospital funded and built from Zionists organizations donations) allow Muslims to establish a Mosque as same we have a there a Synagogue? We don’t hate the Arabs. We don’t want to kill anyone who is innocent. But we kill those terrorists who want to kill us. We are not killing intentionally innocent people but the terrorists (you call them freedom fighters) are killing innocent people intentionally by rockets and suicide bombers in our busses and malls. As far as I know and everyone knows, busses and malls are not military camps.
26. The Israeli leaders, especially the military are said to welcome Hamas rockets. To provoke Hamas into firing their rockets the Israelis blockaded Gaza.
Dear Dr. Mahathir, I really cannot understand how low you can go. On the other side I say Hamas is launching rockets just to make Israel angry and hardly react while Hamas is using their own innocent civilians as human shields. Hamas is not recognizing the existence of Israel and strives to destroy Israel. Why should we give them all privileges as a normal entity? When they keep silent there is no blockade and humanitarian supply is entering to Gaza. Once they fire again we close the borders. I don’t understand your logic. The people of Gaza elected Hamas and Hamas is caring how to destroy Israel. Why should we help our bloody enemy and let all borders be open like nothing happened. Only an idiot would do it. Assume Singapore wants to destroy Malaysia would you provide them any agriculture supply or drinking water? I know what the MAF would do. They would wipe Singapore off the Map and get back once and forever the “stolen” Island from great Malaysia.
27. When Hamas fired the rockets, Israelis would condemn the deaths, especially of children. The people were angered by the death and demanded retaliation, which the military duly obliged with massive attacks out of all proportion to the damage done by the unsophisticated Hamas rockets.
Dear Dr. Mahathir. Whatever you say, any death is not justified but war is not a kind of fair play. Everyone is fighting with its most sophisticated weapons. As funny as it is, the Qasam rockets are still not beatable and no one has an anti weapon. Should we train Hamas how to produce more precise rockets to equalize the equation? War is not a proportional business since one side loses and the other wins, but I think no one is winning in a war. What would you say if Hamas had that sophisticated weapons and the Israelis would have 1300 killed people? Was it then a fair play?
I just can tell you one thing and remember it as long as you live as well as everyone in this blog. The Arabs may lose many wars but the Jews have no option to lose a single war… and you all know it very well as we know it.
28. For their part the Palestinians would show the effects of Israeli brutality, the destruction of the towns and the deaths of innocent children. The hatred against the Jews was fanned to red heat, and Palestinians would become ready to kill the Jews in any way they can. They would fire more rockets and the Jews would retaliate with even greater force and brutality.
Right again. That’s why we must stop all that at once. Dear Dr. Mahathir, I think I proposed you a good solution in my private letter. Why not to give it a try? May be everyone can open his heart and use his brain to establish something different. May be we can establish a better future to our suffering world. Let’s try that and if we fail there will be always the option of war which all of us dislike.
29. Both sides have now forgotten the reasons for their war. It is like the clan war of old, when for generations the hatred would be kept alive and both sides would want to go on fighting and killing each other.
I think both sides are now behaving like a snow ball that rolls down the slope of the hill. There must be reasons for that war. Each side has its reasons. If each side entrenches in its stronghold without looking outside for a better horizon, the killing will continue. Let’s stop this now before it will be too late. It is almost the last chance since the future is uncertain. It is in the power of all of us to stop it if we just want to.
30. The Palestinians are getting the worse deal in this "I kill your people, you kill my people," fighting.
I have nothing to say here since it is repeating issues above.
31. I was asked by the Jordanian doctor, when will this war end. I think it will have no end because it has degenerated into feuds of old, when Semitic tribes fight each other for generations simply because they were traditional enemies. The original reason for the enmity has long been forgotten.
Dear Dr. Mahathir, I beg you, since you are an educated and wise man, since you are a known Muslim leader - you have the power to contribute to stop that bloody war. I think all of us would like to see the children of both sides playing in the same playing courts, getting their education in the same schools and universities, cooperating in business and science. This is in your power more than in my power (you are famous and I’m just a negligible private person). I think you just need to be willing. It is transforming the anger to good will. I’m sure you are using your brain and you must have love in your heart. Just give it a try, there is nothing to lose – but a win- win solution. If you can do that you are more than worthy a Nobel Award for peace!!!
32. If the war is going to be terminated both sides must try to remember the original cause and negotiate for peace. The backers of the contestants should cease providing money and weapons so they will continue to fight. Instead they should urge both sides to discuss a peace not based on who is more powerful but on justice.
Dear Dr. Mahathir, I think it is an excellent initiative. Let’s see what can be done. I think you can surprise us with more ideas. Since Malaysia is a kind of a far country from the conflict, I think it may play a very good role to contribute peace. There is just one big obstacle on that path and I’m sure you know it well.
Hanan, Jewish and an Israeli Zionist.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Hanan's reply in Chedet's Palestine Post
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I see my comments is so banyak tp all my comments are very bengap dan dungu, saya Hanan mmg dh di tutup hati oleh tuhan, jd saya tak nmpak mana yg btul dan mana yg salah, kesian nya sy, smmgnya hati sy buta, mata sy rabun, telinga sy pekak, hidung sy tsumbat dan akal sy dilutut, tp yg pling sdih sy mgaku sy yahudi aka jew tp sy bukan la ktrunan bani israel takde pn darah semities dlm sy, sy dari eropah bangsa khazar, ntah knape sy mgaku sy yahudi n mgaku sy asal palestin sdgkn nenek moyang sy org khazar, bangsa khazar, brasal dari caucasus, sdih nya sy sbagai so call "jew", sy lupa asal usul sy, sdih mjd yahudi yg kononnya yahudi tp bukan bani israel, arnazim = euro jew = xda kaitan dengan bani israel, tp sy pling penyibuk kat palestin konon e2 promise land, adui conflict dlm diri ku, aku yahudi ke tak a?, dlm ic jew, tp aku bangsa european jew, european jew bkn darah bani israel, tp pling penyibuk kat palestin mgaku e2 tanah kami, alangkah bodoh and bengapnya sy dan keturunan sy (zionist)..
Yang bengap dan dungu
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